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It looks cool ?!?!?! disagree there!


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I think people shouldn't fly, just fall. There is really no point in them going all over when ya hit em with a, in theory, super sharp sword. And the way they fly is totally unrealistic, i mean They fly up, do a flip, then fall, and slide, all while moving to the right. It just isn't natural, even a bat doesn't do that. (don't ask how i know). So, i hope they make it so people just fall, don't fly, because it is way to much to have people fly. In multiplayer i'm sure people won't fly if you hit em (providing it's 2 hit kills).





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Yes i agree if they are worried about violence then it doesn't have to be super gorey, star wars battles weren't but people were still sliced and they showed an appropiate amount of blood.


I just hope it was for the trailers they did that.


Another thing is that im looking at is in the second trailer we cant see it clear enough but kYle slices vertically though the guys head, and their are some sparks left, and smoke as the guys head is cut in half however we cant see cleary in the trailer

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