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Different Stuff, trying to clear up...


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I've looked all over the place and stuff, im new here, and i've seen alotta stuff that a little common sense and searching will solve..


1. When is JK2 going to be released?!?!

Well I've said MARCH, because...in the first trailer it says March right at the end (unless something went REALLY wrong, i dont think they would say that) Spring 2002....March 20th is springtime, I say it will be out March 25th....Amazon says April 2nd, thats when they are going to be shipping it, believe me, one of my friends pre-ordered it...got the bill and such..lol


2. Will there be a demo?

I say yes....I've made a weird discovery someone says yes cause:

(only a theory)


look at this (game screen)....http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen058.jpg


now this (demo screen) http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen002.jpg


look at the bottom, and you'll see the status stuff is way different...and the demos are all in the same lvl...(look at the E3 3-day coverage and you'll see what i mean....)


3. Bat saber!?!?

Heck no....If you look closey the guy tries to block the saber, and fails, but the sabers stike each other causing pressure, and he jolted back and hit by the saber.....(I'd jolt back too......lol)

I also talked an online friend who was actully seen the game played at a star wars convention.....someone else asked that question....lol


These are just SOME things I've really been buzzing about....Maybe more to come, ask me something, I might know....as well.....Some people might already know this stuff, if ya do....sorry for taking up space....




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1- Goes gold in a few weeks, then on stores when the boxes and CDs are ready

2-sure there is, the html file is ready, the doubt is if it will be released before or after the game.My guess is before

One of those shots is from a really old build without HUD

3-Its a baseball bat! the guy flyes away. Look at 1:00 on the PCG UK video. The stormtrooper isnt blocking anything

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by Twinmold

2. Will there be a demo?

I say yes....I've made a weird discovery someone says yes cause:

(only a theory)


look at this (game screen)....http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen058.jpg


now this (demo screen) http://www.jediknightii.net/screenshots/screen002.jpg


look at the bottom, and you'll see the status stuff is way different...and the demos are all in the same lvl...(look at the E3 3-day coverage and you'll see what i mean....)


I must not be getting this. The screens came out months apart. When you go to make a game, you don't start with the HUD and then add everything else. They worked on the core of the game before adding little things like that. Guess I'm just agreeing with everyone else.

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Guest Apparition
Originally posted by Twinmold

3. Bat saber!?!?

Heck no....If you look closey the guy tries to block the saber, and fails, but the sabers stike each other causing pressure, and he jolted back and hit by the saber.....(I'd jolt back too......lol)

I also talked an online friend who was actully seen the game played at a star wars convention.....someone else asked that question....lol


They're not talking about the saber battles. They're talking about when the lightsaber kills the stormtroopers and rodians in the PCGamerUK video and the Lucas Arts trailer. When the lightsaber hits them they die and are sent flying away. They're not talking about the lightsaber battle.

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