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How good do you think you'll be at JO MP?


How good will you be in MP mode?  

121 members have voted

  1. 1. How good will you be in MP mode?

    • Jedi Master (Elite)
    • Bounty Hunter (Very Good)
    • Smuggler (Average)
    • Stormtrooper (Below Average)
    • Jawa (Horrible)

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by Spider AL

Oh and Krayt, hopefully there'll be sufficient prize tournaments to make competition truly worthwhile!


I'm sure there will be, at plenty of places around the net. If you are refering to here @ jkii.net, all I can say is "It's a possibility." :)

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Well if u Jedi Knight elites think your gonna rock at this game, i think your gonna be in for a suprise. Unless you have played a Q3 engine game....I say that because the gamplay for Q3 and Elite Force (EF being the game engine JO is bassed on) is very different, especially corsshair movement etc.....very different to Jedi Knight.


I've been play EF for well over a year now and i like to think i'm pritty good @ it, not the best but still good enough to give them a hard game.


If your good @ Q3 or Q3TA then i'd say your gonna be around average @ this game, if your good at ef then the chances are u'll be around the same skill level for JO, it's just a matter of getting used to the weapons and the map layouts / tricks of the trade.


In the end it's practice and hard work that makes you good. Play alot of duels (force and non force) and play in2tagib (i'm sure there will be a mod for in2ta).


Thats my moneys worth :)

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Well at first I'll probably be a little over average and then I think I'll be in the Elite category...really! I don't think I can say that I'll be in the top 1% but I would dare to say at least the top 10%. My friend and I became VERY good at the original JK and MotS. We really got to the point where when we would play a game, there were very few who could beat us! I'd say at all other games I'm pretty good but I was the best at Jedi Knight and I'm really good at Unreal Tournament. I've been playing Medal of Honor for the past three weeks and I'm a little above average on that. The highest I can come out on that is second. I'm usually between 3rd and 5th. JKO though, I think I will be one or two much of the time once I get into the rhythm. You guys can hold me to this but give me at least say...one week of straight play for me to get my bearings. What is funny are those people who have only played your normal FPS games and think they can just step into this one, then they are dead wrong :D JK takes more strategy than the others. One thing about MOH I like is the fact that when you run out of ammo or better yet, the other guy does then there is a good chance that he's gonna die first. I do think that the Axis side has better weapons. Specifically, the StG44. It is superior to any of the allies machine guns or sub machine guns too. The sub's lack range and the B.A.R is just too slow but it’s accurate but the StG44 can fire twice as many rounds as the B.A.R and hold almost twice the ammo. Sorry, did not mean to turn this post into a MOH post; it's just a good game but it's only tiding me over until JKO!!

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I think I'll be really good. No, I'm not eliteist, in fact I despise most of them. I just tend to adapt to games really well. JK was my first online game, and, even though I didn't play much, I pretty much killed anyone I came across. Lately I've been playing the Renegade demo, and after a couple of days adjustment period (learn the engine, weapons etc, adapt to netcode/average ping) there pretty much hast been any game where I havent been MVP.


And to answer hahadude's question, I'm not touching MP till I finish SP (which probably means I won't sleep the day I get the game... just so I can taste some online saber combat). It has always been the way for me.

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Originally posted by Bowen

Well at first I'll probably be a little over average and then I think I'll be in the Elite category...really! I don't think I can say that I'll be in the top 1% but I would dare to say at least the top 10%. My friend and I became VERY good at the original JK and MotS.


Well I havn't played JK for over 2 years, in that time i been playing Q3 engine games, EF mainly and just now i went to see the difference. Sorry to say this but.....crosshair movement in EF compared to JK is 100% totally diffreent. JKO is goint to be a increadbly fast paced game, i don't if this will be avalble in JKO, but the Q3 gamers will know what straff jump is, manual straff jump, no scripting, u cna move at 2 times or more of the normal speed of running. I'm telling ya this game is more aimed at Q3 and EF type gamers then the JK gamers. :D



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It will be said of him:


He joined the server and never said anything, just wandered into walls while waving a weapon around.... he had to kill him.



Cause of death:

Multiple FC bursts at point blank range. It appears victim was shot from all possible angles simultaneously.

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Well, that's the thing I've been wondering about... whether the MP would feel like JK, or like Q3


I *LOVED* the original Quake, and was pretty good at it...


Quake 2, I liked... but it wasn't spectacular.


Q3 just plain sucked, never even bought it.


2 minutes playing it at a friend's was enough to let me know it sucked.


Half-Life was my thing for a long time, and I was... the bomb. Me with a shotgun meant death to all who came upon me.


Then there was a month or two where I got really into UT but my interest faded fast. I was alright at that...


Then I came back to HL but played CS instead of regular... quite good at that, but not the best by any means.


I haven't played too terribly much RTCW MP, and what I have played... well, I wasn't that good. But, given time maybe I would be, or would've been. No real intention on getting very into that, just didn't like it much.


So, I suppose my mind is somewhat more in doubt about my standing in the online JK2 community, than I may have let on. BUT, I figure being the best JK1 player ever has to count for something! and even if not, I will simply put enough time in, no matter the cost... even if I don't really like it, just to honor the past.


I will become super good, I demand it.


BTW, I will always finish the SP game first. But it may be hard to resist here... so, who knows.

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Originally posted by hahadude

I know before hand... Because I'm gonna suck. But thats ok with me though, i think its funny when i run around crazy, dying all the time. Its still fun.


If you have fun and enjoy yourself, does it matter how good you are?

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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

So, I suppose my mind is somewhat more in doubt about my standing in the online JK2 community, than I may have let on. BUT, I figure being the best JK1 player ever has to count for something! and even if not, I will simply put enough time in, no matter the cost... even if I don't really like it, just to honor the past.


For some reason, I do not think there is sarcasm involved. Self-Proclaimed the best JK player? Who were you? :confused:

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Originally posted by Krak3n


Well I havn't played JK for over 2 years, in that time i been playing Q3 engine games, EF mainly and just now i went to see the difference. Sorry to say this but.....crosshair movement in EF compared to JK is 100% totally diffreent. JKO is goint to be a increadbly fast paced game, i don't if this will be avalble in JKO, but the Q3 gamers will know what straff jump is, manual straff jump, no scripting, u cna move at 2 times or more of the normal speed of running. I'm telling ya this game is more aimed at Q3 and EF type gamers then the JK gamers. :D




I'm going to disagree with ya on this... Dont know why but i just do.

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Well I'll probably be somewhere above average. But to be really honest I don't have a clue, I've been an elite player playing CS and DoD at tournaments with different clans and friends, winning and so forth but this game ain't my usual cup of tea. I'll prolly have to train and just see where it takes me, if I get bored I won't play it that much, if I'm going to like it (most likely) I'll play it till my fingernails and palms wear out. :p


Though I'll probably most be playing around with some RL friends and others playing lightsaber duells and just fooling around...

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It amazes me how many people voted they would be the elite, myself i voted average, becuase most of the time i figure out how to control a game pretty fast, but after that i stay like that for a while, after that i skyrocket to the upper echelons , muwhahahaha:p :D ,


But seriously nobody will be the elite at the beginning, just my two Euro's

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i dont understand this thinking.


"noone will be elite at the start"


why not? this isnt doom, the genre is quite old now. yes this game is different but the core aspects of skillful play are easily transferable.


Plus if you kick ass in one fps why wouldnt you kick ass in another? I know i kick alot of ass in every fps i play. I expect i will kick just as much ass in JKO

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yeh Pipe Smoke, tihs is all pretty new to me, such damn wasted 4 years of a game and i never got to play the best player ever?


Also i read a book sometime ago. It was the mind nad how humans can be better yet are on better at all. IF you tink about it WD (jsut an expample sorry guys), Do you ever notice their bragging and self-confidence. This Makes them feel good about themselves hence making them feel better and if they make even themselves believe that so much they can actually get better and if thgey are demanding they are great, theo ther person gets some fear and thinks the other person is much better yet you have no control over what you know but you have control of what you think. you can be tricked into knowing something but thinking is different because look at it like this :you see a boiler room and then you are definete it exists but then you CAN if you wanted go and THINK that it's not there but really you do know, same happens if an oversly self asteemed mad man coemso ver Telling everypone they are theb ebst you may think things like yeh right, but at the same time witohut you knowing it has sent a message to your brain which makes you more weary yet you din't know, thisd also makes you think they are better and you pish yourself. IT's a bit liek learning riding a bike. You naturally tihkn you are getting better if you ride it more so you brain is taking it in that all this info is going in i cna ride better now and things so oh yeh fien you cna get better, a better example can be Maths.If you keep thinking to yourself "i Suck at Maths" then your brain is like "well i helped you ride a bik cos you wanted it(determination) tne i'll let you get worse at maths) so if you keep saying suck at mathas you'll start to believe it in a way that you don't know.

But say it's a WD **** and there is a natural player but maybe not so L337 ****ty stuff, so he gets challenged and THe WD player floods the ears with thee usualk i will beat you commands to the ears but if it odes not damage the other person enough to make them lower than the WD person, and the WD person gets beat this CAN make that person more i am the greatest if he beat the WD Greatest **** guy this can easily make them think they are great hence the same way you got better at the bike you cnag et better at JK, so there is always now the chance of getting tempted to speak the L337 ****. So If you think that person was probably just liek you at one time but if he had the chance tyo talk bull**** and slag **** off do, just think, if yo umanaged to beat him and the l337 **** had backfired on him, do you think you would preach the L337 ****. If so how can you say that all this L337 **** is gya if you would od it if you had the chance. THink of it like that. The Book said more but i can't be bothered explaining it ALL. But i did explain some good points about it. tihkn about it (I do not work for HEBS btw) .


I'll probably have to edit osme of this.


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