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Against artillery

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I need help countering a strategy. I play a guy who had his army almost totally made up of artillery. He stayed where he could withdraw within the shelter of his turrets. I could beat him in any open battle, but I couldn't figure out how to get past his guns to his base. When I sent fighters, he just retreated back to his AA turrets. His army was about 95% artillery, in one group. Eventually I used up my resources, and he beat me. What can I do?

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Play Rebel Alliance, build ten Jedi masters and research the techs that make them faster and invisible, put them in two groups.


Group one goes to convert the turrets on his outer edge

Group two converts some of the artillery. When they're done they run in and lightsaber them...


The artillery can't defend up close and the jedi are usually invisible to the turrets. Even if they're not, they can take quite a few hits.


Send them over in Air Transports, but also send about a dozen more fighters, snowspeeders and empty air transports so the AA turrets shoot at those and not at the ones loaded with Jedi. Make them come from different directions and confuse him.


Follow this up with a large group of infantry, when the jedi convert turrets quickly load them with jedi and infantry to maximize their firing and heal the jedi. Turn it into a turret rush with his turrets!


Good luck, let me know how it goes.

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Canons...They out range artillery.


Use Assault Mechs and Mech Destroyers for backup to protect the canons and keep som air handy incase.


If he doesn't have much else to protect himself then it should be easy since the artillery are ranged. Run some mellee units in esp. Jedi to confuse him and set him on his heels and then pound from afar with canons.


DarthNoodles out...

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ahem, yea but 10 jedi masters, plus all the reserch is a f**kload of....$$$....what, about 350 nova per master? 350x10+reaserch= A HECK of a lot of nova. me and my firneds always use artilery...i guess the best thing (other than jedis) are mass mounted troopers, but be sure to back them up with strike mechs or troopers.

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