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How does this all work?


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I've been reading about JK2 for about 5 months I think and it never became clear on how force powers were and will be used for both JK2 and JK. What I mean is does each force power have a type of hotkey, where I push and hold it and its activated or something like that. As you can tell I havent played any of the previous JK's, and im curious as to how the force is used.


BTW: If this has been answered before im sorry to be repetitive.

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In Jedi Knight, you'd scroll through a list and when you got to the one you wanted to use, you'd press a certain button, or you could program them to whatever key's you liked. I don't know how it will be handled in JO but I assume it will be similair.


Oh and for some of them you hold down the button to charge them and others, stay activated for a certain amount of time when hit.


*hands Durendal an official Lucasforums welcome basket*

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