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The Battle For Tatooine


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I'm making a Battle For Tatooine campaign.


You play the rebels and various tatooinians fighting against the empire who is trying to take control over tatooine..


Any suggestions and ideas would be helpful! :D

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Picture this:


Mos eisley is to your left, full of bustling citizens walking around their booming desert town. You have meager rebel forces compared to the massive imperial force to your north, which consists of everything from AT-AT's to ground troops.


You have to either build up to attack, or try to withstand the imperial attacks.

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Scenario I'm working on now:


You're a cyborg special ops agent for the rebels. Your mission is to hijack 4 imperial bunkers. All you have is your unit, and you have to go throughout the map trying to find/buy explosive droids to destroy the walls surrounding the bunkers so you can get in and hijack them.


It's really fun :D


You get to buy droids from jawas and tusken raiders.. ehehehehhe

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