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any other artists at these forums?


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Guest dr_death

jeff how do you know i know nothing about art?

you are deeply wrong, i said what i said without insult and i meant no insult however it isnt art!

you can be realy bad at drawing and still be an artist.

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it isnt art!



oh really? then why is it that I'm doing grade 12 art, when I'm 15, getting the highest marks in the class, got into a scolarship program where 100 entered, and 15 got in? If you say that my work isn't art, cause my life is pretty much devoted to art, and having some person who thinks that all americans are gonna die very soon, tell me that what i do isn't art pisses me off. Now stop wasting posting space and keep your insulting, and ridiculious opinions to urself. thank you. :atat: :atat: :fett:

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Guest Boba Rhett

Death, what you've been saying lately has been insulting. I don't see how your not seeing it too. If it's just that your wording things wrong, please pay more attention while your writing your posts.

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I'm a pretty good artist. I've drawn dinosaurs and dragons since I was little, and now I've been doing computer art for a while. :D I can do smileys quite well, and avatars good too. I don't know about drawing my own avatars, but I can edit other things together to make good ones. The only thing I have problems with is the 3D stuff. I suck at 3D. Lol. :D


BTW, those lightsabers in your sig are my work, as well as a few of the smileys near the bottom of the smiley list. :D

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Guest Boba Rhett

If any of you guys want to get into 3d art/animation, a great program to start out with is an old version of Truespace. the old versions are legal to download now. It's really easy to use and you can do quite a lot considering it's a eight year old program. :D

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by Thrawn

BTW, those lightsabers in your sig are my work, as well as a few of the smileys near the bottom of the smiley list. :D


Ha! I laugh at those! j/k


Those lightsabers in the bottom of DarthFergie's sig are my work, and there is one at the bottom of Rommel's too, but it doesn't look as good.


Someday i gotta get around to making one for myself.

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Guest dr_death

boba rhett i mean no disrespect but i will not agree with people only to be nice! If jesus did that we would have no understanding of him! please try to understand this. I do rattle peoples cages at times because i think they are ignorant or nieve but i mean no hate in what i say. i beleive i have things to teach people but it seems that some peoples cup can not be filled as it is already overfload with there own opinions.


JEFF: you can be a christian doing a christian scolarship and not be wise in the same way you are doing a scolarship because you are good/great at drawing, i truly think you are however art is much more wonderul that being a good drawer.

look at the ripples in the water and the clouds in the sky, you can not capture that wonder if you are not an artist.


what do you think being an artist is??

any of you can try to answer that

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ooh oooh me me *lifts his hand*

when your an artist u dont just draw, play music, sculpt or paint

its not abt how well u do it its abt how much pride u take in doing it, do u consider yourself an artist or do u just draw cuz its fun or cuz u have to

art isnt abt being good, its abt appreciating yourself believing in yourself when u do that piece of art!!

even the crapiest drawing submitted to an art gallery sometimes gets popular cuz its considered "modern art"

noone would submit a crappy piece of art unless he took pride in it and he thinks it is ART

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look at the ripples in the water and the clouds in the sky, you can not capture that wonder if you are not an artist.


*yoink* I'm only 15, i can't do EXELENT stuff yet, and an artist is someone that hates you. therefore, there are alot of artist. and what's with all ur stupid references to jesus/christianity? welcome to my sig.

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by dr_death

I do rattle peoples cages at times because i think they are ignorant or nieve but i mean no hate in what i say. i beleive i have things to teach people but it seems that some peoples cup can not be filled as it is already overfload with there own opinions.


Gah, you did it again and I still don't know if you realize it. What do you have to teach people? All you've been doing is repeating the same things over and over and over. I'm not really learning anything from that. As for that last sentance, you really should be saying that to yourself too.


And Jeff, control yourself. Please don't flame.

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