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Outcast Developers plz read( XBOX)


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Keep in mind that Knights is an RPG game...and in that context I think the saber looks okay - especially considering it may not even be finalised yet. ;) Personally, I'll wait for Knights to arrive on my PC in early 2003 - I'm a patient guy. :)


And please try not to simply turn this thread into an excuse to bash M$, or this thread may start sinking into the quagmire of the Swamp. :cool:


The original question was whether or not JKII should be ported to X-Box. I would say that if the demand is high enough...maybe they should do a port. We all know JKII is coming out for the PC...so I don't really see the problem of porting the game to any console. If you think about it...the more units of a game you sell, the more popular it is by definition, and it may be more likely to get a GoTY award, or something. Certainly it will be enjoyed by many more avid gamers, and that's a good thing...right? :eyeraise:

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darrenskywalker, I'm afraid you're wrong.


Kurgan you do realize that in an xbox lan setup most people almost always play team games and teams play on different tvs so splitscreen is not ....."silly".


It IS silly, and if you disagree, that's too bad, because you can't argue with the facts!*


(I'm kidding of course, it's my opinion and it differs from your's.)


Playing a competative FPS game in split screen mode is silly because you can see from the perspective of every player. Now I know it isn't that simple, and everyone can do it, but tell me this.. if you and your roommate were playing a deathmatch on two pc's and they were back to back.. how fair would it be to have one player look over the other one's shoulder to see where he was hiding? That's why it's stupid.


If you want to play team games in Split screen, that's a great idea, and if you want to play team games on other screens, that's fine too. I know why they use split screen.. because it's cheaper for a console just to provide the split screen function rather than having lan capability and cheaper for the players so they don't have to have multiple screens and systems and copies of the game, etc.


But I'd much rather have some "privacy" in a competative game (ie: my opponent unable to look over my shoulder at my screen while I play) and have a much larger viewing area (ie: no scrunched up split screen view). Just because the other solution is cheaper and thus more widespread among consoles (meaning console gamers are more used to it) does not mean it's the best solution. Having seperate screens I think greatly improves the competative aspect. In fact, barring the LAN example, somebody that doesn't have people around him to play the game with him, could play on the 'net on his own equipment against strangers. But at least he'd get to play, right?


And not only does the split screen view give you a smaller picture to squint at, it also effectively multiplies the stress on the system, meaning lower framerates for everyone in 3D games.


Now if you like Split Screen competition in FPS games, that's perfectly fine, I just don't.


I have no desire to have a debate about whether microsoft is good or right or not, but if you want some views on the con side look here: http://www.stardestroyer.net/Mike/RantMode/Dumb-ass.shtml


The only thing to worry about if Microsoft gets their claws into JK2 for an Xbox release, is that they will more than likely want an *exclusive* or at least a priority, which means a delay, cancellation, or dumbing down of the PC version (which PC fans like myself will be quite pissed about). I know, I know I could "just buy an Xbox" but I shouldn't have to, when I've already been promised this game, for this system I've spent enough money on already (and which IMHO is in most ways superior to M$'s console, for gaming, for me).

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So how does a post about a request for an XBox port all of a sudden mean that JK2 will be ported and that will cause a delay?


First of all, JK2 will come out in march/april for the PC, there's no XBox messing up that schedule.


Second, the XBox is a great gaming system and if I had the money, I would buy it.


Third, NOBODY makes you buy an XBox. Either you buy it, or you leave it alone. Yes there are certain marketing tactics, but they only work if YOU are weak. (I am...)


Fourth, Microsoft doesn't steal your games. The software developers and publishers have the final say on what goes where. So, LucasArts decided to push Obi Wan and KOTOR for the XBox. Again, marketing. Their business is SELLING games and making money doing it.


I think that's all I wanted to say.

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There won't be a delay, the game is coming out in March, Microsoft isn't doing anything about that. Now if Microsoft does get the game onto Xbox, there will probably be some kind of extra feature on it, such as an extra level, or maybe even some DVD features (which I understand is on the Xbox version of SSX Tricky). Now everyone needs to calm down, it's only a stupid game.

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Kurgan, Let me remark about the statement you made about confidentiality being lost during split screen mode. In the LAN setup that I was refering to ONLY your players on your OWN team can see your screen and even that CAN be assumed to be realistic in many games -- if you've looked into new WAR tech. you would see that the US is and has developed tech to allow soliders cams for comrades(especially team leaders) to see what they're looking at.



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well...lets start with the basics.....XBOX can have JKII cus i wont cope in nething like the same way as PC and the controls are o SLOW compared 2 a PC....

plus when using a tv u lose all the nice sharp edges and detailing that a pc moniter gives

plus the new q3 code allows V fast MP even over a 56kbps connection

and JK is a PC game only cus it is!



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