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ARGHH So should I preorder?


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I have some games to trade back to EB for store credit as well as a five dollar gift card. So I guess I have to just get it from them. They have been pretty good about getting games on time come to think of it. Star wars gamer had some screens of JO and I never new the game looked so great until I saw those pics. I want it.

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I *never* pre-order over the web.


What i do is, go to my EB store, put a payment down for a reservation and then wait for the call on release day.


Ive done this since many years and *Always* got the games 1-2 days before anyone who preordered em from where ever.


Sometimes i just go on the release day and see if copies are left (medal of honor: AA). In JK2 case i think i will preorder it IN store, just to make sure i wont leave without a copy. That'd really piss me off..hehe ;)

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Personally I never preorder. Why, i love waiting in line with like a bunch of other people waiting for the store to open and then BAM! The doors open, we quickly all get to the area where FPS are located in the store. We begin fighting.....Wam, BAM, WACK! I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D J/K I just don't like ordering online, security reasons really, plus i like going to the store and being the first one or one of the first to pick up the game and buy it!



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I've done both in the past….pre-order and go in to the store (usually EB) the day of the release. I usually go into the store because if the game is released on a Friday, then you may not be able to get it until the following Monday. Sure the stores sometimes run late but very rarely if it's released widely everywhere.

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I preordered from EB uk ages ago but they won't take any payment until the game leaves their warehouse. The lsat game I preordered from them was C&C Yuris Revenge (ok it's an expansion but it still counts). I got it delivered to my door at about 08:00a.m. the day it was released in the shops and the store didn't even open for another hour. So that's why I preordered this time. The downside is they are bundling Battle for Naboo for free with all preorders. No T-Shirt for me.

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Originally posted by Dark_Wolf

I went to EB at the Valencia Mall in California, and I asked if they were preordering. To much of my suprise, I was the ONLY ONE who placed and order!:deathii:


Hmm... I have a feeling that is the case with me as well, or at least it probably wasn't necessary to pre-order, since it most likely won't sell completely out the first day.


It just helps me sleep better at night to know that it's all paid for and will be waiting for me to pick it up when released.


(sigh) :thrawn:

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You should preorder from LEC. If you act now, you may even get a *drum roll* LAPEL PIN! That is correct! Your very own Jedi Outcast Lapel Pin!


heh... I know it's just a free little crap gift and all. But I was really hoping a fully functional lightsaber... SOB...


Visions of chopping my A-Hole neighbor danced through my head. *cries*


I need help!

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Ugh...I used to work at Best Buy. I don't plan on buying anything there anymore :). Going through EB or Software Etc tends to have worked best for me, but I think that I'll pre-order through LEC this time. I don't really care about the lapel pin or anything, I just don't want to have to deal with driving around to get the game and I might even get it earlier. Plus, I have the money to pay for it now...I may not when it comes out! I'm a poor college student :(


Anyways, next time you go to Best Buy and the service is bad, get mad at the managers...it's ALL their fault! Understaffed, underpayed, and unencouraged workers makes for a bad environment that is all the fault of the managers! Best Buy sucks!



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