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To make the game more real yet....


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Though speaking of realism.. I hate FPS games where you can kill your enemy, but NOT retrieve his weapon (ie: Rainbow 6) or only the last weapon he had in his hands at the time of his death (UT, Rune, Quake games).


I'm sure they did this for "balance" sake, but a person can just, if they know they are about to die, switch to the weakest weapon (or "no weapon" the fists whatever) and so you can't get anything from them.


Plus, just because they are dead, nine times out of ten you can still SEE their weapon sitting there, why can't you pick it up? (like in R6) It's not like they were totally out of ammo or their weapon was "destroyed" (it appears intact and was working up till the second they died). Perhaps the enemy sabotages all their gear automatically with their last breath or something..?


In JK, if you picked up the backpack, you got just about everything they were carrying (minus bacta tanks, batteries, or armor). I don't see why that's so bad.


However, I am getting the nagging feeling that this game will just follow the Quake model and make it so that they just drop the last weapon that was in their hands at the time of death (unless it's the saber or stun baton, or maybe even the bryar in which case you get nothing, except maybe some ammo in the case of the bryar).


One thing that was kind of neat in Q3 was how the powerups were left behind if you were killed while using them, with the number of uses/time left still in them for others to grab. We know for a fact that will be in the game, in the Holocron deathmatch.


Being able to physically "drop" weapons (ie: UT) can be a nice thing, if you want to set a trap for somebody, or give a weapon to a comrade in MP (though you can just have them pull it from you). But otherwise, that's a feature I'd rarely use unless forced to (ie: if you were limited in how many weapons you could carry).


I'd rather see the limited weapons/realistic damage type stuff be in a mod, and leave in the "classic" style of "unrealistic" gameplay. I like not knowing what my enemy is carrying, and I like being able to handle any situation, if I've been careful and saved everything. This isn't SOF...

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Originally posted by StormHammer


Besides, I would argue that if you are going to use more stealth through a level that you would probably drop some weapons

Well personally I'd just need the lightsaber haha ^_^"




And wow, now THAT was a typical quality Kurgan "long post" lol ^_^" But I do agree with him though.

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Gameplay > Realism.


With that said, I don't think you should get a backpack with all the persons guns and ammo in it. After a while, a game of JK would have one person running around with full ammo, and then when they died, someone else got the backpack and had full ammo. Quake had the best idea, where you drop the weapon you were carring with the ammo in it. And switching to a weaker weapon or fists before you die is just something we call 'tactics', to stop the enemy getting your better weapon. If you were smart enough to switch, then they don't get spoils of war. Simple.


As for your comment on the suspension of disbelief StormHammer, I don't actually think it is all important. Sure, immersion helps, but in the middle of a firefight, your not going to stop and think, "Just where does he keep all those weapons anyway?". The suspension of disbelief is all about graphics, sound (MORE IMPORTANT THAN GRAPHICS! Doom was immersive. Graphics != Immersion.) and downright gameplay. If you are having fun playing something interesting, that looks good and sounds good, then your not going to pay too much attention to the outside world.


Oh yeah, games arn't movies. Everything doesn't have to make sense or be explained to suspend your disbelief. People are concentrating on playing, rather than every little detail.


And Ihatetheblind, I'm pretty sure its safe to add ABSL to your sig. :)

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In reply to Kurgan


Im gonna be an asshole and go on a long branch about this statement just because I like Jedi :D


Sadly I have to admit that Jedi do not exist. It is simply NOT POSSIBLE for humans to do the things that we see Jedi do routinely in the SW movies in real life. Thus, in the game, we don't need a reason why, only to do or die! [/Quote]


If we all evolved from basic algae, then isn't it possible? :)


In Elite Force the player carried a portable transport buffer that allowed him to store all his weapons in the form of data/energy, thus making it a simple task to carry a large number of weapons[/Quote]


Course any BS excuse will work, but its more believable if its in the environment of the game. And yes, thats totally possible in the Star Trek Universe. The reason the Hazard team carries around an armory is because they need them to finish their missions, unlike the standard Starfleet personnel using hand phasers, or at most phaser rifles.


Though speaking of realism.. I hate FPS games where you can kill your enemy, but NOT retrieve his weapon (ie: Rainbow 6) or only the last weapon he had in his hands at the time of his death (UT, Rune, Quake games). [/Quote]


Heh, this is a bit of a stupid idea. Kind of odd you cant go over and loot a corpse when the aim of the game is realism. They do that to make you conserve ammunition I guess. Of course, if your in a hotzone surrounded by terrorists or the enemy, are you going to keep your eyes out for snipers or going to take the time to loot an enemy corpse which a sniper could be looking at for you to take the bait :)


Dropping weapons would be a nice feature as well, but we probably wont need to if Raven is going to implement ingame dueling (where you essentially call someone out for a battle of honor/annoyance/hatred/whatever. It will more than likely be a saber duel. Besides, most of the guns have force counters. You can reflect laser shots, push away grenades/rockets, and (assuming) you can dodge sniper fire with Seeing/Sight.


I like that pick-up truck theory though :D

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