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Pre-ordered and I'm feeling fine.


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I just pre-ordered the game and look... What's this?... another forum! Now I can waste even more time at work! :)


Can't wait to clash with the rest of you... in a friendly manner of course. ;)


I wonder if my AVP2 clan has any members that are going to buy this game...

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Thanks for the welcome Anakin. :)


I hope there are plenty of UK and Australian players that get this game. (heck, anyone from that side of the world) As an old guy (32) with a wife and kids, I play from 5-6 or 5-7 AM GMT-5, and there are not many Americans up at that hour.


I play 5-6 times a week. Does anyone find that excessive?

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Great, another new face! Welcome to our friendly forum. Expect to recieve a chocolate Jedi medallion and official forum gift basket soon (don't ask, just accept them!).


There seem to be a fair number of Uk and Aussies here so expect plenty of competition when the game gets released.


As for 5-6 times a week, excessive? Not at all, especially if you get your kids involved and then you can write off the time as father/child bonding. (cheaper than camping and less morally ambiguous than hunting).


Look forwards to seeing you around.

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How long do I have to wait for the chocolate? I am getting hungry. ;)


Thanks RoyalGuard for the welcome. My girls are too young for gaming, yet. When they get older, maybe someone will make a barbie mod. Yikes, I can't believe I typed that.

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