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Question about picking up dead enemies weapons!

L'Equa Sinar

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I doubt it. In the SP game, once you pick up your lightsaber, I'd imagine it would remain with you throughout - unless there's another Capture level where you have to retrieve all of your stuff.


In MP...I doubt it there, too. Once you've got a particular type of weapon, I don't think you'll be able to pick up another one, unless it just replaces ammo/charge to an existing weapon.


The question is...why would you want to do that? :eyeraise:

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No reason really, just thought it may be possible, i know you can pick up/force pull ppl's weapons after you kill them or recharge them etc... Gues si was just curious as to when the reborn are killed will they Fal over and die, or do a "Kenobi" and 'poof!' dissappear and just leave cloak and saber...or what...? lol, just curious :o)

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Heh. Yeah I never thought about the reborns dissapearing...that's an interesting idea. If they don't, though, I bet the final boss will.


I really doubt any enemys in JK2 will disapear. Remember, Obi-Wan disapeared be cause he "became one with the force."

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Originally posted by Cracken

I was talking about Obi-Wan disappearing. No one knows why he, Yoda, and Anakin disappeared (YES, Vader DID disappear in ROJ), and Qui-Gon didn't.



Vader didn't disappaer....his remains were burned up on the forest moon.




Who's with me?!!!

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Actually the whole not dissapering thing was not a mistake, according to the SW Insider the jedi dissaperaing act will be explained in EII...something haveing to do with Anikan bringing "balance" to the force???... at least thats what they say:cool:

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