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Official AotC teaser poster

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Redwing
Originally posted by Toothless-OMO

They can't know Anger, Hatred, or Love! Did not Yoda get mad at Luke or at least very Frustrated!


Hmmm. . . .


I'd just like to point something out about Yoda. He has...different ideas than the other Jedi do. Remember Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's little conversation at the beginning of TPM? How Yoda focusd on the future, everyone else the present? (and look what happened to them :rolleyess )

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Sweet - I'm going to do that tonight when I get home :D



Originally posted by Young David


I made it myself ... Just download this image and place it in your messenger folder (you'll have to overwrite the old)

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Guest dlayers
Exactly. Just like priest should remain chaste, so as to completely devote themselves to God and the church, so should the Jedi remain chaste to devote oneself totally to the way of the force.


I have heard this too, but evidently at some point this changes.


In New Jedi Order, Corran Horn, and now Luke Skywalker, as well as the two Jedi trainers at the academy are all jedi and married.


Anakin Solo & Tahiri are also supposedly going to hook up...

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