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Teamplay Mod Idea


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I'm not sure in which of the forums to post this, so to any of the other admins: feel free to move it :D



I'd basicly like to see a teamplay based game like Counter-Strike, but of course it would be rebels vs empire.


I wouldn't know what to call it however.


If possible different classes and they come with different weapons of course.





weapons: E-11 Blaster Rifle, 4 Thermal Detonator & 1 Det Pack, 0 Laser Trip Mine


Swamp Trooper


weapons: Golan Arms FC-1, 1 Thermal Detonator & 1 Det Pack, 0 Laser Trip Mine


Officer Trooper


weapons: Heavy Repeater, 0 Thermal Detonator & 0 Det Pack, 2 Laser Trip Mine




weapons: ???????????????




Rebel Trooper


weapons: E-11 Blaster Rifle, 4 Thermal Detonator & 1 Det Pack, 0 Laser Trip Mine


Snow Rebel Trooper = Swamp Trooper

[no screenshots]

weapons: Golan Arms FC-1, 1 Thermal Detonator & 1 Det Pack, 0 Laser Trip Mine


?? = Officer Trooper

[no screenshots]

weapons: Heavy Repeater, 0 Thermal Detonator & 0 Det Pack, 2 Laser Trip Mine



[no screenshots]

weapons: ???????????????








Rebels vs Empire.


With different types of maps:


Assault: infiltrate a base and destroy something specific. (next round the teams switch side). Respawn (but you stay dead for a due time, like a wave (play Wolfenstein 3D multiplayer to understand)


Protect the Senator: Basicly VIP but instead a Senator. VIP must get to specific location. It would be cool to play. Next round the teams switch places (no respawn)


Plant a bomb: Basicly the tipical plant the bomb type of game like Counter-Strike. (no respawn)


any other ideas?

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  • 4 weeks later...

That rebelstrike link hasnt worked for me yet.


I think thejackel's basic idea is fine.

I'm not really concerned about the speficis of a teamplay mod but i really hope to see one soon.

Built in multiplayer is just the same old deathmatch chaos and gets old Very fast.


The most important things to do;


Slow everyone down. CS foot speed is a great example of what rocks. Running around like motor cars is stupid.


Get rid of the giant explosive weapons. Duh. All good teamplay mods don't use rapid fire high explosive weapons, its counter productive to good teamplay and again is plain stupid.

If something has a big bang it should have a slow reload or very limited ammo.


I really hope there will be a class based mod where you have jedi and non-jedi. Someone has to be doing this right?

Jedi should only get the pistol or maybe no weapon but the saber at all. Then throw in your different troopers and rebels..

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