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April 2nd is the release date


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The game has been developed in the US, but there'll be several master discs, so copying will be done at several places in the world. It cut costs of having to shipps thousands of copies to a country, this way they only have to ship a couple of CD's.


In this case, LEC will send Activision UK a gold copy for them to publish and since Activision UK has to probably manufacture less copies, it's normal to say that the UK will get it in stores first.

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Originally posted by Jeedii_zaarinn

look april 2nd is the release date for americans that's when it's going gold


now for the advertisments they are referring to the uk


bomber II my freind is not the person that u talk about


and i won't be knowing about the indiana jones game because my friend does not interact with the indiana jones department


If it were going GOLD on April 2nd, then the actual game would not be on store shelves until a couple of weeks later. Going GOLD means that the game is finished, but they still have to make copies and package it etc...

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Dude if the game is only going gold on april the 2nd, then nobody is gonna be seeing it for a couple of weeksa at least.. going gold does not mean shipping to stores.. means its ready to be copied and packaged, whish takes a little bit o time.. in fact, it better go gold in the next week or 2 if they wanna get it out this month..

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Obviously JediiZaarin is a troll.


The game cannot be released and go gold at the same time. Huh.


And even if the game is released to stores on the 2nd of April. For christs sake, thats 5 day difference then the 28th. Is that really worth the talk? I dont think so.


Love that 'i have a friend who works on the game' crap. Fact is you dont know anyone.

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Yeah, that guy on gamefaqs is definately full of it.


Hey, it might be logical to assume the game will go gold around march 28th and be released to stores by april 2nd, but again, that's just speculation!


I figure people picked march 28th just because it's close to the end of the month.


Who knows.. even if that was the real date, it might still be delayed a bit. Happens all the time...

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Reasons why this is BS:


Almost always, games are out first in America.

A game cannot go gold AND be released on the same day.


If you really want us to believe this, simply have him log on from wherever he works so we can check his host name and confirm it.


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We already know that all beta testing for the game is internal, and the guy doesn't even sound competent (barely understands english, can't type even with a spell-checker) enough to be somebody who they'd hire to work on one of their games.


The information he provided in that thread is all public knowledge anyway, it's nothing new.


As to the person in THIS thread claiming to know the gone gold date.. hey, join the club. We've all taken guesses, but thus far nobody has been shown to know the real date (and we won't know until the date is released, if people keep making predictions).

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