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BK: "Expansion Pack"


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Some background first: Due to lack of help the first Battle Kingdoms kinda flopped, but now with good planning and starting over on a clean slate we can do it again dammit!


Anywho I'm posting here about the kinky (For lack of better words) of the better "Expansion" version of BK


New Race and their Features:


Mermen: As you can guess, they are best suited to Water and Shorelines. They are able to travel

and fight on land, but it is a little less than average. They have extreme bonuses on Sea and Beaches



Gnomes: The Jaded, Bastard cousins of Dwarves. They are more Technologicly inclined then Dwarves are,

but they are weaker


Ogres: Really big Orcs. Extreme bonuses to Attack, however very extreme penalties to intelligence.


New Features:

New Stats like:


Intelligence: Determines what magic you can use, and how proficiently you can use it.

Charisma: Decides how Neutral villages will be friendly towards you.


New Battle Strategies:


Addicted: Your troops are franticly loyal and are ruthless and powerful,

however thats because of a

drug you constantly feed them that will drain your monitary supplies


Sneaky: Your intelligence operatives are second to none. You can cause a war at the snap of a finger

However, in straight confrontation you are little pansies.


The Addition of "Generals" very powerful units that will command your armies


New Technologies, Spells, and so much more!


So tell your friends! Have your friends tell their friends! Have your friends tell their friends tell their friends!

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clefo you remember on the first day when some mysterious stranger asked you if you needed help and i remember overhearing their conversation and clefo said "i can handle things fine thank you very much"


well anyway i guess you know who the stranger was.


So if you need help on the new one...im here!!

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I don't think we have too many new volunteers. Correction: None! Why doesn't anyone like BK here except us?!


P.S. Clefo, nice new ideas. Suddenlaunch is down right now, so I can't acsess the forum. I'll get one there soon.

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