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5th level!!!!!!!??????? [minor spoilers]


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Guest Krayt Tion

That's not so bad for me.


In JK they waited until the end of the 3rd level to give you your saber. After all, they had to ease in the transition from pure Mercenary (as you were in the original Dark Forces) to Saber and Force user. It worked well.


In waiting till the 5th level to get your lightsaber Raven has opted to salute the traditional, old school Mercenary Ways of Katarn. Plus, it fits perfectly with the story.


Note: I've edited your title to warn of spoilers.

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Sounds fine to me...it will make it more exciting when you get the saber for me atleast! Plus, you'll get used to using guns and other weapons and have to change your tactics and adjust to the lightsaber...should be fun. Getting the lightsaber in JK for the first time was a great feeling...and JKII seems like it will duplicate it by not having you start off with it right away.



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Originally posted by Kaegann

did i read right in a review of JKO that kyle won't get his light saber untill the 5th level? if thats the case........bring on the cheat codes.:saberb::saberg::edeaths::syoda::charric:


I'm sure the cheats will be out the day it's released or at least in the first week. I would try not to use them unless I was really stuck and then only use what I needed. It takes the fun out the game ya know.....I'm talking SP not MP of course.

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Originally posted by Kaegann

did i read right in a review of JKO that kyle won't get his light saber untill the 5th level? if thats the case........bring on the cheat codes.:saberb::saberg::edeaths::syoda::charric:


Heh, its your $50 bucks. Enjoy it how you want, but thats 19 levels with a saber. 24 in all.. as said by Raven.. so I really dont see the point in spoiling the storyline when the first 5 levels will be really easy to us vets...playing on normal and below anyway :)

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Originally posted by Cracken

Hey, be grateful for the saber at level five, as you probably won't get the more advanced, cool weapons (Disrupter, Flechette) until the much later levels. Plus, I bet the first five levels will be really short and sweet.


Raven said all the levels are expansive, so I doubt short, but sweet: More than likely. There will probably be a couple of levels some of us hate with a wooden stick, but thats in just about any game (The tentacles in HL you have to destroy with the test rocket for example), but having the occasional bad level can actually make the good levels shine like a polished toilet bowl :p (Not saying bad levels are a good thing. Every developer should strive to have all well thought out levels that contribute something to the story/game)

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The tentacles in HL you have to destroy with the test rocket for example


!?!?! You could destroy those SOB's?! Damn! I always just shot them until they went down for about 2 seconds and then ran like hell....wait, these 'tentacles' are the ones that were in that room which had like 3 levels and you needed to open the door and get the power going so you could fry them, right?


LOL, that was the best. I would have a guard tag along just so he could get mashed.


Why can't devs learn from games like Half Life?


And I thought Zen was cool...

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