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The new DVD style boxs


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At first I didn't think I'd like them but now that I'm seeing more and more of them, I love them! :) Who needs giant boxes? ;)




Oh, btw Evil_Ferret. Welcome to the forums!



*hands Evil_Ferret an official Lucasforus welcome basket*



It was made by my basket elves. :)

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Originally posted by Evil_Ferret

oh yeah and 1 more question what is this smile face of:band: ????


The funny chaps who played in the band at tatooine.... though the name of their race escapes me at this moment.

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The Amray "keepcase" popular with DVD movies is my kind of game case. I like it because while a big bright box is prettier, it ends up going on the shelf (or in the trash, as the case may be) after I've installed the game.


I have always hated those cheap and flimsy jewel cases, and like the amray cases much better. They're sturdier, have more room for graphics/manuals, and look cool. They fit easily in a bookcase next to my other DVD's. The inserts are also easily swappable between cases. Environmentally, it's probably better than having a huge cardboard box that will just be thrown away by most users after opening, and it encourages them to economize when it comes to insert materials. It also saves shelf space.. which for them means they can fit more game boxes in there for sales.


It is still possible for them to make cardboard displays and flyers for the store, without having to put each tiny jewel case in a huge box that's mostly empty space. ; )


If you want a big box with lots of extra stuff, get the collector's tin I say. So yes, I like them a lot better, and if all pc games switched to this format, I would think it was fine and dandy.

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We've had them some time over here in Europe now. I think Hitman was the first DVD box game I buyed. My first thought was "What the hell?!" and later it became "Well they are kind of nice" and finally "They're abosutely better than the old ones".


For the first they don't have to waste money on paper-carton kind of boxes AND a jewel case that brakes so easily that it ends with you locking them i safebox so they don't fall and brake the whole ****. And you could store it easily without having to take up a ****load of space (I have two moving-boxes filled with game boxes in my attic).


The bad part though is that some games need to have the manual on the cd because of it's size. Maybe it's just over here in Europe (remember when my friend bought EA F1 2001 or what ever, it's the "Nordic" version so he got an english, swedish, norwegian, danish and finnish manual, all one inch thick...). And the second bad thing is that I in time have to buy a sort of DVD storing racket because the jewel case doesn't really work with them. Go figure. :rolleyes:

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I like them too. The first time I saw them was when I bought Medal of Honor as well. The only thing I hate about them is, it seems like they keep the discs in there with super glue or something. I was twisting the crap out of MOH trying to get it out and trying to be as gentle as possible. I've never seen a cd bend so much without breaking! Yeah watch....the people who package these things and who like JKO happen to look at this thread and say...."Hey...that would be really funny if we super glued a whole shipment of Jedi Knight II: Outcast games."

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That's true, there are different "disc release" mechanisms for the amray cases.. I haven't seen a standard.


The worst ones are the ones where you have to use your fingernails to squeeze two tiny tabs together in the center, while you lift the cd edges on the sides... that sucks. gotta be really careful.


The best ones are the ones where you just press gently on the center and it releases (gently "pops" out, don't press too hard, or you'll launch it into the air) and then you lift it with your fingers on the outside edge.


Ideally you want to keep wear and tear off the disc. That's the whole point.. and to have a safe place to keep it when not in use.


When in doubt, make a backup copy, or stash it in a good cd binder.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

The best ones are the ones where you just press gently on the center and it releases (gently "pops" out, don't press too hard, or you'll launch it into the air) and then you lift it with your fingers on the outside edge.


Those ones are the standard here in Portugal.

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