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Quezshun 4 j00 1337 folk


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Hi, noobie here, JKI vet, mostly on the demo though :cool:


Well I was looking to see if GTA3 was coming out for PC and (god knows why) I stumbled across the Ravensoft site and discovered... JKII <<holy music>>. Well after a few orbits I came back down and checked out the trailer, it looks GRRRRREAT, also from the looks of it the lightsaber is gettin a whole new revampin so it'll be playin a good part of the game (I twas a little dissapointed with the clumsy saber in JKI). Well I'm just rantin now so I'll get straight to the point. Okay, I've got a pretty average computer, but so far the only game my (similarly average ;) ) Voodoo3 can't run at full speed is Oni, and only in large areas. Quake 3 runs brilliantly though so here's the question.


Outcast is running on the Q3 engine, so if Q3 runs good on my com, does that mean JKII will too? BTW I have plenty of RAM, no problems there.


PS - You can take this as an introduction post if you want, but I hate introductions, I prolly won't stay too long anyway. I'm a bit of a drifter so if I don't get into a forum unless it's really good. I think the most posts I've ever had were about 850 on the Bid For Power forums (My nick was SPAZ if you know me, lol I like capitals).


Argh well this is going from a question to an introduction to a biography pretty quickly so I'll cut it off...







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Originally posted by MAGUS

Outcast is running on the Q3 engine, so if Q3 runs good on my com, does that mean JKII will too?

Essentially, yes (not quite as well as Q3 runs, though) - but if the coding is horrible like MOH:AA's seems to be, then you're in for a nasty surprise... But this is Raven we're talking about! So no need to worry ;)

I don't get into a forum unless it's really good.

We'd better make some space then ;)



And now for the obligatory... ; )


Welcome to the forums - make yourself at home, and enjoy your stay here :thumbsup:


Argh well this is going from a question to an introduction to a biography pretty quickly so I'll cut it off...









:lol: :lol: :lol:




Suggestion -


Try the Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force demo and/or the RTCW one to get a fairly reasonable idea as to how JKII will run on your comp :)



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