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SCRAMM Engine... were is?


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(I do not speak very well inglish!) Hi to all!!! Someone knows where i can download engine SCRAMM? The site: http://www.scramm.org does not work! Please, help me!!! I want make an adventure like Maniac Mansion... i NEED SCRAMM!!! Someone has the SCRAMM? If yes... can to send it to me with e-mail (if it does not disturb to you and if he is not too much large)-chrisredfield-@libero.it ? Thanks! :D

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No-one has SCRAMM. Well, except the developer presumably. But it was never released. And now the website seems to have dissappeared since the last major mojo downtime.

There are some other adventure engines out there if you want -- names and URLS elude me at the moment (1:30am is not a good time to think)

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Mh... but I have read of some adventures that they have been developed in SCRAMM... are just sure one that of it has not been relased no version? Otherwise, than other motor me councils to use? Of I would want one more similar possible to the SCUMM. Thanks!

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I have understood... then that engine councils in order to develop my adventures to me? I would want most similar possible to the SCUMM... as I said, my dream is to make an adventure in full style Maniac Mansion. I have already seen the IndianaJava engine, but it does not appeal to to me! Of it you know other?


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