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JK2 MP Gone South?


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After viewing that trailer I definetly feel that using the q3 engine will turn JK2 MP into guns based play like UT or Quake, whereas in Jedi Knight we had a split crowd...I think saber battles are headed down the tubes. Jedi Knight had a science to it with sabering, jk2 with all the new acrobatics and sh*t kinda takes away from taking saber battling seriously. That isn't good IMO...

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I just definetly think JK2 is alot more catered towards guns than Jedi Knight was, and i think it will have a serious impact on the type of game it evolves too. Can you really imagine having a serious saber match with all those acrobatics and crap?

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hey hey hey, wait a minute. your tell me you want to go back to teh 2 differnt swings pratically that everyone used in JK over new dodges and attacks. I mean, i would MUCH rather have Movie style gameplay then what JK has. Yeah JK was good when it came out, but lets get the new generation of Saber Fighting in and play. Plus, all guns???? I didn't see ALL guns in the trailer. Looked to me that there were PLENTY of saberists in the trailer. Anyways, don't go putting something down BEFORE its released. Once its releasd then say something like that but NOT before. It gets PEOPLEs hopes DOWN!!! <sorry but i just get steamed when games get put down before they are even released>


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think the MP looks awesome!! I believe the acrobatics add a more strategic value to the game. I know the wall-walking thing is manual but I'm not sure about the flips in the air. The new trailer makes me want it more now but either way...we should reserve judgment until we actually play the game!! :)

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At the very end of the trailer i just got a Quake3 feeling by looking at the movement or something...something about it just seemed like a "kill the guy and steal his quad damage" sorta feeling. I'm not saying that's a bad thing...it's actually kinda cool. It seems like movement is about the same as Q3, and the game seems quite fast-paced, almost TOO fast-paced...but i guess it'll be different when it's fluently moving about on my screen and i'm actually killing people with the saber, instead of watching a 640x480 trailer that skips frames and doesn't show the full beauty of the games fluidity :)


EDIT: After watching the trailer again, i get even MORE of a Q3 feeling with the "2 kills left" thing...heh. Is that Queen Amidala announcing things? If so...um, WHY? Shouldn't she be dead or not born at the time of this game?



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I think it looks too fast paced.


He sets up some mines on the wall, and runs so quickly it doesnt seem that good.....I dont know.


The sabers, well *tear rolls down eye* I love em. Just make a all saber game and your fine. Hopefully we can turn gamespeed down 1/2


Anddd what else. The devs didnt mention alot about skins like Vaders, :fett::bdroid2: and so on, because "no, they arent around in this time period".


Booo-urns to that. I want my Dark-Kyle skin with purple saber back!



Oh, and I dont know about the saber hits on people.....its got the Ghoul II system, and devs said chopping off limbs is possible, but I didnt see any of that, and no blood but sparks flying out of peopels bodies is kinda weird. Yeah yeah Lucas does no blood, but come on......something better than the saber sticking in the guys armpit (backstab shot) would be good.


Anyhow, Im buying it, so no biggie. Singleplayer will rock.


Think there will be more stuff when ya put it on hard? In JediKnight, when you put it on medium or hard, more guys appeared, more turrets in new locations, etc. NOT just more damage/accuracy like more games.

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I got the Quake-'em-up feeling too and have an uneasy feeling about the sabres. I think trying to duel someone on a 'free-for-all' server will get you shot in the back more times than not. But I will definetly head for the sabre only rooms/ servers most of the time. I posted this in another thread:



"I also didn't see to much sabre vs. sabre action. It doesn't seem like you can have an actual duel that would last for more than a few seconds. Maybe it is possible, we just didn't see it. A nice 10+ second duel would really fuel my fire. Someday..."



I think the flips and acrobatics GREATLY add to the sabre play.

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As do I, I also think that once servers start hosting the Jedi Duel MP mode and you're up against another human the battles couldn't help but last more than 10 seconds. And if for some reason you manage to kill your opponent in one blow then the next guy will pop out. (Or however that mode is worked) I for one am getting quite giddy about both single and multiplayer, although I will definetly agree that it looks to be about quake III speed. But that's not too suprising to me. (Seeing as how the QIII TA engine is what it was based on.)

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For everyone worried about the sabre dueling, check out this reply from ChangKhan of RAVEN about the lightsabres:


Saber duels can last some time - you only saw bits of them (of course, the length and pacing of the saber duels depends greatly on how you approach a saber duel and how you use the moves and powers available to you).




Makes me feel alot better

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Well, from the looks of the trailer I think the game looks great. I've never gotten too much into multiplayer, but as far as it being too fast in this case, I have to say that first off, we're only seeing bits and pieces of multiplayer games and who's too say that the type of speed we see in the trailer will reflect all of the multiplayer battles? Second, the way trailers are edited together can also make people perceive pacing differently. The last thing I have to say is don't judge before you play. It seems some of you are being so picky. Just wait until the game comes out and then complain or be picky.

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well anyway, the reason a lot of you are thinking it might be a little to fast paced is maby becasue you are sticking to what qauke3 was like, if you can take examples like moh and rtcw they both had completely different gameplay...no flames please, just an oppinion :)


and yeah executor you are probably right, but we dont know much about the gameplay yet so you cant realy judge it....we dont know what raven did to the saber handling in the game, could be completely different to what you think...i myself will be sticking to mostly saber play though, jut my style i guess

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Originally posted by bostonjedi

Can you really imagine having a serious saber match with all those acrobatics and crap?


Let me guess: the worst part of TPM was the Duel of the Fates, right? Maul, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon simply couldn't have been serious with all those acrobatics and fancy moves they had.



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I'll give you a scenario:


Player A and Player B enter in a Saber only battle.


Player A thrusts at player B, player B Flips right over his head.

Player B thrusts at player A, Player A Flips right over his head.


and this goes on until one of them gets pissed and says "stop it"


In Jedi Knight all you could do was strafe or jump to the side.


I think the sabre battles will lose their serious gameplay side and just become novelty play like "in the movies" and now for some of you who could care less about the serious gaming in the JK community this is great..."movie moves are fun!" but for I, it doesn't look so great.

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Umm the way I see it, when the player flips over my head I do a back stab and stab him in his sorry back. It's not like you can't do anything about it. Freedom of movment is not a bad thing. I'm sorry, but just wanting to stand still and hack at eachother until somone forgets to block is stupid. I love the fact I can use my whole surroundings to my advantage. This will rock, and if it's a little more fast paced, fine. I played EF for almost 2 years, I'm used to it. Although I don't think it will be that fast paced. You sound like youd be more happy with JK so you might just want to play that.

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I disagree BostonJedi. It is DM and if you keep flipping (I feel) you'll never kill your opponent AND you'll just make yourself a target. You'll have to 'make a stand'(stop flipping) to do some damage. Besides, you saw the trailer, if joe schmoe flips behind you, do the bad a$$ reverse stab attack, which = dead flipper. Watch 'em stop flipping over you.


You could also, if someone is flipping around like he should be in the circus, Force Grip him and slam some sense into him. Or, even better, Force Pull him like the stormie in the trailer and show him what a lightsabre is for. Oh I have such visions.


I wouldn't worry about it. I think there will be plenty of folks who will battle it out in your more 'traditional' way and not 'abuse' the flip. And if they do, they'll be easy pickings and (hopefully) learn a lesson so you'll have better duels in the future.

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ummm i think flipping (dodging) is what made unreal/unreal tournament so fun, and pretty much all "serious" (and non-serious as well) UT players use dodging all the time, i mean they dodge after dodge (they use it in fights, to get in special places, to move faster etc), they rarely just strafe or jump.. i think it can only be a good thing, especially in melee light saber combat its even more important and much more fun imo...

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bostonjedi, I don't think that you are giving the game enough credit here. Sure the saber system might take a few hours, or even days to pick up so that you don't look like a total fool in MP. But that's it. It should a have a pretty quick learning curve. Besides, you could always start your own server and like outlaw flips or something. Though why in the world you would want to do that, I don't know. Just give it some time, and you'll pick it up, I'm certain.

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A "serious saber match" is not just swinging at your opponent with force speed on till he dies. Its about using the environment to your advantage and using all kinds of tricky moves to outwit and outmanouver your opponent. Look at every movie battle. The only thing that stopped it becoming just a parry-fest until someone got tired was the way they used the environment around them. Episode 1 - The bottomless pit, Episode 5 - The thing vader throws at Luke to toss him out the window.


Don't confine your thinking to JK's definition of a "serious saber match".

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