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I'd always believed player models would be dismemberable (ala Soldier of Fortune) although because of the rating and the lightsaber cauterisation there would be no blood. The trailers have been giving me large douses of doubt.

It won't be possible will it? :confused:

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I found myself asking the same question after viewing the latest trailer. The game looks excellent, but I still want dismemberment. I thought ChangKhan said that dismemberment wasn't removed, yet in none of the trailers have i seen it. I have a feeling that if it's in there, it A) was turned off for some reason in the trailers or B)Doesn't happen often or is random. I also doubt it'll be in MP which I'd really hoped for. I wonder if Mr.Gummelt could drop by and perhaps shed some light? It's close to release now and I doubt that detail would be too much to ask of him. I'm really dying to know.

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I thought ChangKhan said that dismemberment wasn't removed, yet in none of the trailers have i seen it.





Dismemberment IS in the trailer released last night...it's too fast to see without going into slow motion replay of the video though. It's the scene where Kyle uses Force Pull to suck the stormtrooper in and then cracks him with the lightsaber. If you watch it frame by frame, you see his arm get severed, and falls off behind the trooper. The guy falls to the ground with no arm, but because of the speed, the resolution and the position of you, the camera and the troopers body, you can't see it too well.


Dark Side



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I have a feeling that if it's in there, it A) was turned off for some reason in the trailers or B)Doesn't happen often or is random.

I choose A, because I have keep saying it all along. Why, oh why would they want to reveal every little "secret" they have up their sleeves? So many previews(one said you could compile a Stormtrooper out of all those limbs that you leave behind you) and developers themselves included have confirmed it will be part of the game and I even remember someone saying PC Gamer (US) had exclusive screenshot showing Kyle actually cutting off arm... :cool:

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I don't like mods very much.


I thought that stormtrooper may have been dismembered, because when Kyle's lightsaber passes through his shoulder, there are flames. But I didn't see the arm disconnect from him at all, so I wrote it off as just a cool flaming effect when you hit them.

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Yeah, there seems to appear smoke or even sparks when Kyle hits someone, so combined with actual dismembering ON, I think they make up the lack of blood which somebody still would like to see. I first thought they would go for black smoking holes in Stormtrooper armor, when shot with blaster(like in ESB), so this is not too far away. It also occurred to me that perhaps there is actual option to turn off dismembering in the menu for those who find it too gruesome or it slows down gameplay during intense fights.

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The reason you don't see dismemberment is because the new GHOUL2 system that JK uses is far more sensitive than that used in JK or even SOF. That being said, the reason for lack of severed arms is the fact that the saber never strikes in the shoulder, elbow, or knee joints, probably the only joints that can be dismembered in the game. After all, I doubt Raven would put severed torsos or heads into a SW game rated "T" for "Teen".

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There is actually dismemberment in the new trailer at 1:11, where Kyle pulls a Stormtrooper towards him and then kills him with the saber. It's a bit difficult to see but if you go through frame by frame you can see that Kyle cuts off the stormtroopers arm.

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I really really do wish they'd allow us to cut guys in half, or behead them.


Such a missed opportunity.


I mean, I don't care about teen ratings! c'mon! and I don't care if nothing so gorey typically happens in the movies (let's not forget Darth Maul though)


What it comes down to is an issue of upholding the credibility and the feel of danger that a lightsaber should have...


having it burn the walls is a great way to help this.


The fact is, regardless of any other factor... teen rating, movie precedent... whatever, the most important thing is that the saber behave how a saber really would if you did whatever you do with it.


It's only natural that when the things Lucas came up with are taken out of the hands of his characters and put into our hands... things will happen that will be more gorey than what he would put in the movie.


At all costs the credibility and power of the saber must be conveyed. If we are constantly chopping into guys and all they do is fall down, it's still cool yea but is it really a saber? or is it just a glowing knock-out stick? the world may never know.


I think the fact that you can justify a lack of blood through the cauterization factor should be seen as a way to not end up being very gorey even WITH all manner of body chopping. They had a free ticket to niceness and took it even further than necessary perhaps.


Well I'm not as upset as I sound, know that. I'll round this out with a question, i had been pondering... if you run up to like say, an NPC... or any character in the game for that matter. And you have your saber out but you're not swinging it, and the saber model touches their model, will it kill them? it should.

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