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how will saber dueling work?


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i'd really like an official (read: raven owns me! :D ) answer on this (don't we all?)


how will saber dueling work? u hit the button and it does a random animation OR actually controling the saber (i would want this) where like u press straft left (or left), forward and hit and that make a left swipe or something?

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Yeah it would be nice to have an official statement on this. Personially, I think it will depend on which direction you are holding. I think duels will be more about using acrobatics to get into a position to attack someone rather than using a myriad of different attacks. I hope the three different stances add something to the game though.

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ChangKhan[RAVEN], from Raven Soft., said (summarizing from my memory) that they basically used 6 keys (4 directional + crouch and jump) and the mouse to perform all actions. This would include all the acrobatics, wall walking, and sabre controls(not including force powers). He talked about it briefly in the "tralier II discussion". He didn't get specific about "press left and mouse button 2 for an attck behind you". He did mention how the sabre dueling can work well and be more than a hack and slash depending on how you approach it.


I don't want to put anymore words into his mouth, but I think I got the gist of it right.

If I had to guess, I'd say you're right. Say 'a' + LEFT mouse is attack left and maybe 'a' + RIGHT mouse is block left. Now that would be cool.


But, as they say, time will tell. or maybe RAVEN will ;-)


EDIT: my bad, alt fire on the mouse is sabre-toss. maybe only sabre toss when press 'w' and alt-fire? You guys are really making me curious now.

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aaa.. stuff it pipe. We all know it didnt take any skills to use the saber in jk, just 2 swing buttons, left n right... woooo.. look at me im pressing one button, im so skillfull!!!


It was fun though :) hope fully it will be more controllable in jk2 and even more fun!

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Pipe, you have to admit that the saber controls were very simple. Course mod's like SBX took it to an whole different level. From what I've seen of the trailers, it looks like Raven has taken that stuff to heart. I'm sure we'll have a diverse an excellent saber fighting experience. And if it's lacking, people like Shadow X will mod it and make it the way it should be.

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