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LEC preorder inquiry


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I would imagine within at least a week of the release date just to avoid any complications that might arise. Any closer to the date would be risky (probably). Either way i'm getting my copy on the release date, otherwise my head would explode with the anticipation.

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Does Electronics Botique always have the games on the shelves the day of their release? No, they don't. My local EB almost never has the game on the release date. Either delayed shipments, apathetic employees unwilling to open the damn boxes that I could see sitting in the back, or any number of circumstances. (The one time when I went to EB to get my copy of Wheel of Time, it turned out that the dev. team (!) was just walking out with the remaining copies.)

Short answer -- call ahead before going to the store, and reserve a copy. You might not get it the same time as other people, but you will within a day or two. I personally am too lazy to drive to the store, so I'm ordering from GameStop with free 2-day air shipping. And I get a free dorky JK2 tshirt!

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The people whom pre-ordered from LEC might get before or after it hits the shelves. IT DEPENDS WHEN THEY SHIP THE BULK TO STORES. Qel got his copy of SW:GB before it hit the shelves. And he also lives in Kansas. So I'm not going to cancel my order. I have a feeling I'll get it before the 29th, easy.

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The email i received said that the game will be shipped the day of release and arrive a few days later. I'd prefer to not take the chance just to receive free shipping and a lousy lapel pin:rolleyes:

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Well, I don't wanna scare anybody or anything, but I'll tell ya a little story. Hopefully LEC is better than these people were.


Long ago (way back in 2000 I think?) there was a game in development called Rune. For some reason, I was in great anticipation of receiving this game, so I pre-ordered. The release data ended up being at the end of October I think. Well, as luck would have it, I found a warez copy for download the day before release (I'd already ordered, so this wasn't really piracy mind you). I played the game. Beat the game. Played some multiplayer. After a few weeks of this, I decided I really didn't like the game. Actually, I kind of sucked. So I moved on, forgetting about my pre-order. Then one day in the middle of winter (I believe it was February), I was surprised to find a package outside my door. And umm... well, I still have an unopened Rune box lying around here somewhere.

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I was scared that LEC might SHIP it the same day it shows up in stores, which would be the 29th. According to the first post for this topic, this is how it'll work. So yeah, I cancelled my LEC orderand I'm just gonna go to EBX and grab a copy there. Maybe i'll take a trip there this weekend, since its in the mall, and give them $5 or something so they reserve me a copy :)



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I've pre-ordered from LucasArts before. My orders have actually come a day earlier than the street date. I know a lot of other people have had that kind of luck as well. This is one of the reasons I pre-ordered with LucasArts. Don't know if this will change anybody's minds or make anybody feel any better, but that's my 2 cents.

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I know that LEC pre-order people will get it before everyone else, not including the stores. When the bulk ships to stores, the pre-orders are sent out also. If the bulk arrives before the 29th, the pre-orders will still continue shipping, right into the person's hands. Stores can't put JK2 out before the 29th. Pre-order-ers made the right choice.

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Hmmmm... a lot of you guys seem to have faith in LEC. Maybe i won't cancel my order just yet. I think instead i'll wait and if i don't get anything in the mail from Lucasarts then i'll just buy the game at the store and when i do get the game in the mail i'll just return it. The reason i can't wait until saturday is because my college postal service doesn't operate on the weekend. There's no way i could wait until monday.






and i'll still get my lapel pin!;)

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