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Concerned about lightsaber


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Anyone concerned about the dueling aspect of the game? I'm getting worried it is going to be like JK where you just swing the fastest that you can. The aspect that brought my attention to this game the most was that you were supposed to be put into movie-like lightsaber stuff. Not like the JK mp where you just clicked as fast as you could. From the newest trailer it showed nothing of any of my hopes. The 14 mb showed a better portrayal of the lightsaber, but I'm afraid it may not be like they claimed. I like the movie lightsaber stuff and would hate to see it any other way. These are all just assumptions that I have collected and mere opinions. Any respones is appreciated, thank you ^_^.

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This has been discussed in other threads...but I'll give my .02 just because.


What I know (?) about lightsabres in JKII: a spiel by HBK:


Dueling won't be a hack-em-up. If you can get involved with other people who are interested in the same thing that is. You shouldn't have any problems. There are 3 positions, 8 moves each. I'm sure some of them are defensive so you can block the 'hackers'. As for movie duels, do you mean flipping and tumbling? yes you can do that. The collision detection for the sabres is great. There are 36 points on the body to hit. Dismemberment IS in the game. There is NO batsabre. There is no double edged sabre ala Maul (wait for the mods). Sabre controls will be done w/ the mouse and the 6 basic movement keys. Skill will come into play when you learn all of the stances and moves, and then be able to put them to use. I think you will need to be quick, but I don't think you'll need the fastes hands in the world. Sabres leave marks on the walls (see new trailer, towards the end when he wall walks). Gameplay will be quick, but not as fast in the trailer. You can choose sabre color, not hilt size. And you can't bonk folks on the head with an unignited sabre.


I basically believe, now, that dueling will be as good as the dueler/duelers (is that a word?). If you stink, dueling will stink.


Where do I get my info? is it fact or fiction? read the forums. Don't mean to be a d^%k, but it's out there.


On the downlow, I think the 3 sabre stances are defensive, regular and aggressive. Something like that.

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Thanks a lot HBK, that helped quite a bit. There wasn't really any threads based on what I'm talking about here (at least to my knowledge) so I thought I would put my voice in, sorry if I am incorrect. What I mean by the movie stuff is like in esb when it is more about skill then clikcing the mouse and moving side to side. Te classic kind of dueling. Movie-like. I know there will be lightsaber locking, but it was only depicted once, so it is hard to tell how that will work. I'm a big fan of the classic movies and have waited for it to be converted into something great (like this I hope). Thank you.

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Well, the controls won't be to advanced. Like I said, and ChangKhan[RAVEN] before me, the 6 basic movement keys and the mouse. I'm still not sure I get what you mean about skill. But if this helps, I believe someone who is familiar with sabre controls will dominate someone who is not.


I'm sure I'll see you in the sabre only servers...

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I appologize for being vague, so I will try once more ^_^. What I mean is that in JK all you had to do in order to suceed was the hack and slash approach. I'm asking will JO be more movie oriented with the lightsaber dueling like in the classic movies. Where they last a long time and not just a few swipes and then it's over, but that blocking will occur very frequently and the saber-lock technique will actually help you out. Thanks you.

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See in normal JK, it was all the secondary saber attack, a big heavy handed swing that kills..


im pretty sure that in JO it will be, if you do a swing like that, and they are on the defensive, you will probably die, or be badly hurt, because the guy you attack with it can just do some really quick swings at you and hurt ya bad...


And I think manuverin will be a MAIN thing in saber fights, like when in the triler he rolls out of the way and that guy misses, and he kils him..

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Originally posted by Coligeon

Anyone concerned about the dueling aspect of the game? I'm getting worried it is going to be like JK where you just swing the fastest that you can. The aspect that brought my attention to this game the most was that you were supposed to be put into movie-like lightsaber stuff. Not like the JK mp where you just clicked as fast as you could. From the newest trailer it showed nothing of any of my hopes. The 14 mb showed a better portrayal of the lightsaber, but I'm afraid it may not be like they claimed. I like the movie lightsaber stuff and would hate to see it any other way. These are all just assumptions that I have collected and mere opinions. Any respones is appreciated, thank you ^_^.


did u ever play duels?

obviously not long enuf.. there was more too it thent that.

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Originally posted by OmegaRad

See in normal JK, it was all the secondary saber attack, a big heavy handed swing that kills..


im pretty sure that in JO it will be, if you do a swing like that, and they are on the defensive, you will probably die, or be badly hurt, because the guy you attack with it can just do some really quick swings at you and hurt ya bad...


And I think manuverin will be a MAIN thing in saber fights, like when in the triler he rolls out of the way and that guy misses, and he kils him..

manuvering is the biggest part of dueling and primary swing was a very useful move when u got the hang of it :D

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I've been in plenty of duels as a matter of fact. All people would do most of the time is swing and run away and come back for another try. Maybe your experiences have been different...I wouldn't know, sorry. I've even messed with bots in mots so I have played quite a lot. Thank you for all the post.

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unless the other 2 are jump and crouch
This is, indeed, the case. Jumping and crouching will affect your swing.
Well, I have already played a Raven dueling game (Heretic2) and skilled players could battle 1 on 1 for quite a while......


Saber only servers are Going to ROCK!

I could not more wholeheartedly agree with this statement. As I've said in other threads, it look to this ol' Her2 Blader that the light saber is light the blade staff all grown up.
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Originally posted by MrCrusher

Well, I have already played a Raven dueling game (Heretic2) and skilled players could battle 1 on 1 for quite a while......


Saber only servers are Going to ROCK!





so true i'm going to cry :p


i love heretic 2 :D

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I've found the best controls (for me anyway) were to have the right mouse button bound for going forward. I use the left mouse button as primary fire and the middle mouse for secondary attack. I use E for jump, S for strafe left, D for strafe right and D for crouch. I would also use the A key for Force Pull since I used that Force power more than any other in SP anyway. The other Force keys changed as the type of multi I would play online. It's much easier to strafe when you have one hand free for jumping, crouching and strafing and Force powers vs....using one hand for going forward and the rest. Also I set mouse sensitivity up to about 50% to 75% of the whole. I don't like it fast but it does give you the edge when trying to strafe-circle someone if you can get to the side of someone or behind them!! :D

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Originally posted by Bowen

, D for strafe right and D for crouch.


You have some kind of advanced keyboard?


Use D for two things.


I assume you control with your mind telling your keyboard: Ok i want D to be strafe right now and then at other point you tlel your keyboard ok now its for crouch.










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Originally posted by HBK

On the downlow, I think the 3 sabre stances are defensive, regular and aggressive. Something like that.


Rather, it's Light (quick, but weak), Normal, and Heavy (powerful, but slow), if I'm not mistaken.

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Well depends on how you look at it, and on your playing style, the quick style can be used both in defensive and offensive ways. defensive would be that you block most attacks and occasionally make a quick strike, offensive play with the quick style would be that you make one long barrage of very fast saber attacks.(hehe, personally I'm going to use the quick style in MP JKII, and in SP once it becomes available, I prefer speed over strenght ^_^")

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