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leah as a MP model?


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The skin we're all thinking of from JK1 was called "Mandalore". Although it basically resembled Boba Fett, there were a few differences in color. The only time we've ever seen Fett in the DF trilogy was in Dark Forces, where Kyle went mano a mano with Fett on Coruscant.

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Nah, Vader was called "Darth Vader"

But anyways, so Leia isn't in MP, she'll probably surface as a skin sooner or later.

And about a BFP, sure, but if it limits itself to SW skins.

And that someone makes a mod that replaces the lightsaber with a katana so we can use anime based skins lol. (Himura Kenshin hehe) alright and all other non SW skins ^.^

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I believe like UT, Q3 has the ability to setup an "autodownload" feature for people who join the game. Hopefully it can be configured so that they download the additional mods from a seperate site though, else it could bog down the server with a lot of people downloading lengthy files.


But essentially that's how it works, you can't just pop a skin in and have everyone see it, unless they've installed it already or auto-downloaded it from the server.


As to BFP3, that would be up to the people putting it together, but chances are it won't be confined to Star Wars skins. BFP was never about that. The "Big Fluffy Pack" was first a collection of all the JK skins people could find on the 'net, then BFP2 was made, and it was the BEST skins people had collected on the 'net.


Heck, even Al MacDonald, who focused on Star Wars skins (and many of his ended up in various BFP's) still made other non-Star Wars skins. I'm sure we'll see plenty of them, and I think that's good.


Oh and just so you know... in MotS


You get to fight Boba Fett in Cloudy City... check out the "Bespin Secret Level."


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Originally posted by Kurgan


Heck, even Al MacDonald, who focused on Star Wars skins (and many of his ended up in various BFP's) still made other non-Star Wars skins. I'm sure we'll see plenty of them, and I think that's good.


Very true, his Diary of a Crazed Mimbatine skin pack was great :D , hopes he makes that again for JKII... well I'm just hoping that he'll make another DCM period.. haven't seen one since JK.nets last server move..

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