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RAVEN: Linux dedicated server?


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Now that Raven software people seem to be much more active on the forum (which is AWESOME, btw), I'd like to see if i can get an official answer to this question:


Will there be a Linux dedicated server? If so, will it ship with the game or will it be downloadable only? If not, please make one :)


And...bah, why not, while i'm at it...


It has been confirmed that the game will be mod-able, and that tools will be downloadable after release. But whenever this question is answered, it's always for the modeller or mapper.


What about source code? Will an SDK be downloadable? If so, will we be able to mod BOTH single player AND multiplayer? Lastly, will it be an actual SDK (like Half-Life or Q3, with actual source code for the dll(s)), or will it be that ICARUS2 scripting language I've been hearing about? Ok, fine, one more. If it is ICARUS2, how powerful is it (i.e. could we turn it into a top-down strategy game if we really felt the need)?



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I mailed James Monroe about a Linux dedicated server about a month ago. He basicly said it's not decided yet and LEC has to decide.

I also asked it in the GamesDomain chat and got the same answer.

I've been trying to get an answer from LEC, but they're not saying anything about it.


I really hope there will be a Linux dedicated server. I've been talking to several providers that host public gaming servers and most of them will only host JK2 servers if there is a Linux dedicated server, which means we'll miss out on a lot of good public servers if they don't release one.

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If Zone is going to be setup like I think it is, Zone will have some special servers setup that act like Dedicated servers but are player created and the games shutdown when everyone leaves. That way, we wouldn't have to worry about listen servers all over the place. Course I doubt MS would implement this just for JK II. Even 25 servers is a lot just for one game especially in a localized area.

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I don't care about the Zone. I want to host my own dedicated server, so i can kill this damn CS server that has been waiting for death ever since masses of cheaters and n00bs flocked to it.



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I'm sure that if there is any way to do it ( which we already know that there is...heh )....they will. This is a higher profile game than EF and they had Loonix ded. server support.


So, I think it's pretty much a given.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

It would certainly be a nice gesture...


PS: Picked up my copy of Redhat 7.2 the other day. ; )


No, no! Please not Red Hat 7.2! I reformatted my RH 7.0 linux box to install 7.2, because it was getting slow and unstable (like windows does after a long time). I installed it, got everything configured, and it was back to be unstable within a week or 2. I complained in an IRC chat and some guy was like "Yeah, Red Hat used beta versions of the glibc library in the newest release. Use mandrake instead."


So, I got Mandrake 8.1 from a friend, and the thing has been running stable for 10 days, WITH a CS server (and the CS server has been running stable for 10 days as well...).


Personally, I recommend mandrake just because of the bad experience i had with Red Hat.



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Originally posted by Syko


No, no! Please not Red Hat 7.2! I reformatted my RH 7.0 linux box to install 7.2, because it was getting slow and unstable (like windows does after a long time). I installed it, got everything configured, and it was back to be unstable within a week or 2. I complained in an IRC chat and some guy was like "Yeah, Red Hat used beta versions of the glibc library in the newest release. Use mandrake instead."


So, I got Mandrake 8.1 from a friend, and the thing has been running stable for 10 days, WITH a CS server (and the CS server has been running stable for 10 days as well...).


Personally, I recommend mandrake just because of the bad experience i had with Red Hat.



dont always beleive what you hear.


in 7.0 redhat used an early version of gcc/glibc. there was a patch very soon after release that fixed this problem. redhat 7.2 is fine. if its "slowing down" its more than likely running something thats leaking memory. I havent had any problems with the few redhat boxes ive run.


still though.....run debian mandrake is lame.

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Originally posted by dazilla

hmm...what's so special about dedicated servers on linux? Why couldn't they be on windows? say, xp?

because there are a ton of linux servers sitting on really fat pipes. alot more than XP thats for damn sure. some of us have access to servers that are running linux for something else but have plenty of cpu cycles and bandwidth to spare. installing a windows machine is not an option in this environment.


that and...linux networking is faster. do a google search on it if you dont beleive me.


Linux runs (can run some distros are bloated) with much less overhead. meaning, you dont have to load a graphical interface into the memory thus giving you more system resources to work with.


oh and linux is free. you arent required to own a license to use it. lets face it who is willing to buy a 200 dollar OS license just to run a damned game server.


Linux is much esier to remotely administer as well.

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Originally posted by madrebel

oh and linux is free. you arent required to own a license to use it. lets face it who is willing to buy a 200 dollar OS license just to run a damned game server.


Actually you do have a licence for Linux, but the licence is free.

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They had better release a Linux server. I have never used Linux, and never intend to, but there is one simple reason for thinking this: There are a whole BUGGERLOAD of server hosting networks who run exclusively on Linux. I would be playing AvP2 online right now if there was a Linux server released. Because of this, there are absolutely NO Australian servers for it. None.

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