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Hot Keys

Guest Kudar

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Can someone with the full version get a list of the default hotkeys and their actions please, I'd like a heads up on them as I'm currently reading up on using AoK ones to help me.



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they are pretty much the same....the difference i have noticed are that the building keys are different e.g.


AoE to build a farm would be b then f


SWGB to build a farm is b followed by e


shift is the most important hotkey, it allows you to set waypoints for scouts and let u build mutliple buildings!

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Guest Kioet Csuhen

heh, the delete key works quite well in mp games when you KNOW you lost. hehehehehehe just make troopers go to one side of the map, away from your base, then when the enemy attacks, and takes out your turrets, delete all your buildings and use those troopers. ;)

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