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textures in the trailer


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Well it *would* be bad. But it's not 'cause they arn't the same. If the textures you're talking about are the grey installation type textures. Those are really from the movies and not JK1. I'm sure you'll notice a big difference in game. As the JK1 textures were like 8 bit color.

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yeah i know there not the same textures obviously theres a difference in quality but the actual art of the textures (i.e the patterns) looks very similiar

im not talking about the themes of the textures (i.e industrial grey) im talking about the actual patterns.

i used to muck around making maps for JK and so i got to know the different textures pretty well and the art on these new ones look very similiar.

the art guys were probably looking at JK for inspiration and got carried away.




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i dont think the star wars universe is defined by the textures they used in JK

anyway im not talking about the look of it (obviously its going to be similiar) im talking about actuall patterns on the textures that are the same

but anyway i dont really care about it anymore... it was a fleeting concern but i still felt the need to get my point across



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no im no talking about repeated textures on the map im talking about very similiar textures between Jk1 and JK2 and i dont mean they just have the same look i mean the patterns are near identical.

but i dont care about it anymore it was a passing concern

i just have to post a reply though,when people dont understand what i was talking about in the first place.



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