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Concerned About Game Speed


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Maybe I'm over-reacting, but it seems to me the new trailer shows an unrealistic lightning speed game that's so fast it will be impossible to enjoy true fights of skill through maneuvers and everything will come down to who clicks the buttons faster instead of tactical gameplay.


How are we going to have light sabre duels if gameplay is this fast?


And what's with the Stormtrooper with a sabre? lol



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The stormtrooper with a lightsaber is a human in multiplayer.


Raven has said that the real Saber battles have never been caught on camera well. We've only seen small bits of it.


Duels will go fast if Im uber god and your uber n00b though. :D


Its not that the gameplay is necessarily fast.. its just JK was rather slow paced. JKII isn't going to be turn based.. so you will need some reflexive skills and hand-eye coordination.

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i thought the same thing when i first saw it

i think its just cause they glued together all the fastest actiony bits of screentime they had on file to try and make it as exciting as possible.


also when your actually controlling the game maybe it will seem a bit slower becasue your more absorbed in it...i hope...



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This is one thing I am most certainly not concerned about, when I saw the PC Gamer UK trailer I was concerned that the game was going to be too much slower than the original JK but now it seems right in line with it.


And yes patchx is right to point out that the editing has a lot to do with this.


I'm very pleased with the pace.

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Yeah.. I remember d/lin a DII trailer way back in the day... And I remember the animations all seemed so FAST.. like when he would be running around it seemed all way 2 fast.. I think its just how they are set up people.. I dont think Kyle will be running 100 mph after all...





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