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For Those In the UK 4Th trailer With Computer and Video Games Mag


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Hi Guys I just wanted to let you all know there is some unseen footage with the Computer and Video Games Mag which is accompanied by a Video Cassette Trailer of over 3-4 Mintues long


The Trailer Starts with Kyle Shooting up some StromTroppers and contiunes on to a duel between him and another Jedi in a hanger bay.. There are screens of this Area up already but it was nice to see it in motion.


I don't have anyway up uploading the Trailer since its on a Video Tape so if anyone in the UK does get it up for everyone to see


I noticed a force Power I think it was JUMP that allowed a Barge forward movement... and also sabers don't always come back after thrown so you need to pick them up using FORCE PULL


The duel lasted about 2 mins longs and there was alot of Force Jumping and great Saber Moves... Everything I see from this game looks great and its nice to see it on a big screen like my TV in full resolution.


Strange thing about the trailer though was that the duel of the fates was playing over the duel... maybe Computer and Video games did that part..


anyway I'll be back later going to watch Trailer Number 4 again



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Its got an Xbox and a CVG exclusive of Medal of Honor Frontline on the Cover and a video tape on the front inside the plastic bag it comes in.. and on the video tape it should have the Jedi Knight II name on the front.. It has other games for various platforms but I FF through them to see if the Trailer was something new and indeed it was


Computer and Video Games ISSUE 245 APRIL




thats more than enough info..


Happy Hunting ;)

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No man I didn't really get into AC at all I played it for a little bit then quit.


back to the trailer: More info:


It Stars with Kyle using the Binoculars Zoomed in on a line of StormTroopers walking along..( From one of the Screen Shots)

He zooms out and is in some kind of Control Room He exits through a door Shoots 3 Stromtroopers and turns a corner and there's a stormtrooper there .. he changes to to the lightsaber and then force Pushes him through a window.. Also from another Screenshot.. He turns around and goes down an elevator and goes though another area and opens a door and he arrives ontop of a platform in somekind of docking bay. with a Dark jedi wating for him on the lower level.. he takes the elevator and runs up to the Dark Jedi and then the Dark Jedi Ignites his saber which is ORANGE he duels and duels throwing his saber at him a few times which is blocked on one occasion the saber doesn't come back to his hand so he runs and FORCE JUMPS and while in the air FORCE PULLS the saber back to his hand with enough time to block an incomming saber slash from the Dark Jedi.. He then FORCE JUMPS onto a Ledge and the Dark Jedi Follows him up there by FORCE JUMPING.. they fight for a while on the ledge and Kyle jumps back down and starts to snipe the Dark Jedi until he comes back down. Once the Dark Jedi is back on normal Ground Kyle Whips out his saber again and continues to duel.. Then it cuts off a little while after that End of trailer


Some of the neat moves I saw was a variation of FORCE JUMP which doesn't take Kyle High into the air but worked in a Force Barge kind of way. It wasn't force SPEED cause he was airbourne at a low level though I might be wrong haven't not played the Game...


If your in the UK and you do have a video capture card get it up for everyone if you can since its worth seeing for sure.



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from your description, it sounds like they arent really cutting, but showing a longer piece of the gameplay!


Exactly what i wanted.


Now one thing i must ask, the saber duel, in total, how long was it? Did it look COOL? Did you see who won?


You said he was sniping? Was he shooting with a regular blaster rifle or with the disruptor rifle? Did the dark jedi block the shots?


Did anyone of them ever hit each other with saber or did they block each other each time?


ONE more question about the saber duel.


Hopey ou can understand it:


the swings with the saber, did they usually MISS the opponent or get blocked by the opponent?


You see, in the movies, you really have like, almost every swing is parried. Was almost every swing parried or was it like, most swings are just a miss and only sometimes there is a block



Thats all for now :D


And yeah, someone get this thing online! :)

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Originally posted by Saient

No man I didn't really get into AC at all I played it for a little bit then quit.


back to the trailer: More info:


It Stars with Kyle using the Binoculars Zoomed in on a line of StormTroopers walking along...




Sounds like the prototype map... odd, I wonder how old the footage is...?

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The footage is long with no cuts through out and is 3-4 mins long

The saber dueling was more Clashing then missing except for the parts where the gamer playing was swinging around while at an obvious distance that would cause a miss instead of a Clash

he sniped with a standard issue StormTrooper Rifle. another cool thing was when zoomed in on to take aim the dark jedi had his palm help up while levitating his unignite saber and spinning it around with the force ... nice touch.. more on the nice touch was when the saber was swung in the direction of the ground it left glowing marks on the floor.. I also forgot to mention there was some use of FORCE LIGHTNING from kyle and a very weird thing happened at the end which looked like a cut The dark Jedi duplicated himself and from out of nowwhere in the background appeared another Jedi fighting the other Dark Jedi's duplication.. Might have been luke cause he had a green saber..


I'm sorry I don't have the technology to upload the footage guys you just gonna have to hope someone with a video capture card can do it for ya.


My favorite thing about it is that the Saber dueling pace looked much slower than in the previous trailers with lots of blocking involved and since most of the trailer was in 1 single running shot with no cuts (with expetion to the wierdness with the duplication and another Jedi appearing out of nowhere)


all in all it captures some of the essence of dueling for single player more then both LucasArts trailers and the PCGAMER trailer


I must also say the guy who's playing doesn't look like he knows how to play very well and is quite cowardly.. and he also didn't loose any health so he was probally using GODMODE..


The Dark jedi probally got hit about twice with the saber and got Lightninged a bit from Kyle and survived.. no one one it ended shortly after the Jedi with the Green Saber who as I said suddenly appeared from no where to fight the dark jedi's duplicate.


in reply to ChangKhan


The footage was old Im sure since the Hud segments weren't there but maybe thats just a feture you can choose.. the numbers where there. but another thing that maybe you could let us know about was on the right side of the screen there was a number which decresed from 100 when the Force was used but when Kyle Switched to a gun it left a number for the ammo.


Maybe that will help you know how old the footage is.


PS: Congrats on Finishing the game.

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actually, that sounds like a demo they did at e3, its prolly what it is. activision prolly got a tape of it and shipped it with that mag.


while cool, im not sure that'd be a good representation of whats actually in the game.





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What ive been wanting for quite some time now:


A video, uncut, of a 1v1 saber fight, with a SKILLED player vs a good bot.



But the fact that the player seems cowardly, yet theres a lot of blocking, sounds good. I like blocking


I like hit fights, not miss fights. if you know what i mean



Guess im gonna have to scour the local stores for this mag :)

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I think Lucky is right. If you go under Downloads and download the "E3Coverage.com E3 Footage", it sounds alot like what Saient is describing, but the only thing is that the video is an interview, but what the guy is playing sounds alot like that.

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Oh, I'm sure Saient is telling the truth... it is the prototype map, probably about 2 or 3 months old, at least, but it's probably pretty representative of how the final game's saber fights play out as that has been pretty much in place for about 3 or 4 months (wouldn't have had multiple saber styles or saberlocks in it, also lacking some acrobatics and special moves, I'll bet).


I do have some free time now that the game is done, though I am still working on some stuff...

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