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New Screenies on official site [03/15/02]

General Theros

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I think his gun is being force pulled away. Do you see the sparkly stuff around it? I bet it's force pull! :) I don't think he is dead....I think he is shocked that his gun is out of his hand now! :) Never mind...I'm a dummy.....I just looked at what force pull looks like.....it's smoke not sparklies like in that picture. He is as dead as they come. :)


General Theros

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Hey I was just wondering, when fighting multiple enemies, like the 4 stormtroopers in screenshot 5. If u force grip one of them, for example, while doin this will your sabre still deflect other laser bolts from the other troopers? :confused:


Or will u be temporarily vulnerable as u choke the trooper? What do u guys think....

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