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Lucasarts in stock date...


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Mine order is backordered also, I guess. But I'm sure ALL pre-orders get sent near the same date. I tried to view my order status, but it said they have more than one order under the same last name or displaying the information. I wish I could view my order status. AHHH!!!!!!! :D yes....yes...the 19th....muhaha....maybe I'll have it before spring break is over.....muhahaha

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I e-mailed LucasArts about pre-ordering since I wanted to know if I would get it early if I ordered it at LEC.


They told me they would have it at the same time as the other retailers... kind of makes sense, because the last thing they want to do is to upset the retailers by snatching customers away from them by releasing the game early through their own LEC company store... =)


So, LEC will ship the game on the 28th or 29th.


Right now the item is out of stock and it will be in stock again on the 19th... so, they won't ship it on the 19th, but they will be in stock again on the 19th...

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Roger, stop ruining everything for us. The policy for new games, are you receive the game THAT WEEK of the release, or money and shipping paid for, for the inconvience. If LEC ships the game 28th or 29th, then those whom pre-ordered it with FREE shipping wouldn't get it that week and LEC would lose a $|-|it-load of money to repaying the customers. Shipping the pre-orders on the 28th or 29th, is A REALLY REALLY BAD move.

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The release is on the 29th. Indy4, when you signed up at Lucasarts to order it, they had you type in a password. Put that in and then check what it says. As far as shipping on the day of release, someone wrote Lucasarts asking about this and they said the game would be shipped on the 29th. Bummer eh? Doesn't make a lot of since. Pre-ordering sucks if that is true, other then the fact it gurantees you get it sooner or later lol ^_^.

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Let me tell you something about the term PRE-ORDER...


Pre-order means you can order the game before it's out. It doesn't mean you get the game earlier than the peeps who didn't pre-order. It means you reserved your copy so you're sure that you will get the game once it comes out.


It's just a coincidink that a couple of titles got shipped early in the past. So please, don't be mad about something that's perfectly normal.


Pre-order doesn't mean you get the game early, it means you get the game, period...


Edit: lol, Squalliss, seems we had the same idea at the same time :D

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Yeah, Coligeon. It makes no sense if LEC ships pre-orders on the 28th or later. Pre-orders are meant to be the FIRST received other than the store bulk. .........My.......head.........ow.......I better get my copy before the 28th/29th. I better or I'm gonna get my money refunded for weekly delay. The week begins ALWAYS on Sundays. The release date is the 29th and shipping takes 2-5 days, which would make it THE WEEK AFTER the RELEASE.

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Um Mustang....you might want to check out the company store; it says free Shipping for pre-orders. Explain to me how they are going to refund your shipping when you didnt pay any. They will probably ship it out the same time they ship out to retailers, maybe even a day later. They ship by USPS priority mail, which is 2-3 day delivery. I would think you would get it anywhere from the 28th-30th, depending on how close you are to the shipping center. I seriously doubt they would ship out their game to people that pre-ordered over a week and a half before retail gets it.

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Shipping WOULD only be refunded to those whom have chosen the 2 day shipping. If LEC ships later, like I said, they're going to loose A LOT of profit if the game arrives on or after the release. ALL US STATES have the "refund policy" available for new game releases. If the West-boarder states get it before the 31st, that's great, LEC doesn't loose profit on them at all, but the midwest and east coast people's copies take 3-5 day shipping, which, WOULD AGAIN put the doorstep receivce date on the 31st or the week after, which would implement LEC's "week of the release" policy.

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And, depending on where you are in relation to where they ship it from, and what method of delivery you selected, you too could have the game around the release date, unless that bit about 3-19 is true (and I still have yet to see it).

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i hope soooo

i cant even see abot my order staus they say


Sorry, no match in our database.



Your search criteria:

Last Name: xxxxx




i dont get it i have the order confirmation letter with me



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My bad Mustang, I didnt even take into consideration that some people would upgrade their shipping. If that was the case then yeah I can see them losing a bit of money. I guess we'll find out by the 20th if people that pre-ordered get shipping confirmations. I would feel really stupid if that happened seeing how I canceled my Lucasarts pre-order yesterday. :)


Indy4...make sure you type in your password when you look up your order status. Your order number shouldnt be your password, it should be whatever you decided on when you signed up.

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