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Chose Your Sabre Colour


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Like I said a few threads down, I'm ready to take on anyone.


Sorry Kurgan, make that four ! (You better be ready for me)





BTW, I agree with Kurgan. Black sabers are possible and they are cool. Why ? Let's look at it that way !!! I'm a fan of star wars since I'm 3 years old, now I'm almost 20. I've reed books, seen documentaries and saw great web site. Most of the technology in SW is inexplicable. Bacta tanks : what the hell are they ? How do they work ? Nobody knows.


Hyperdrive : Which race did invent the hyperdrive system ? None of them ! That's right ! Some E.T. were travelling through the galaxy and saw a big planet (Correlie). They decided to stop there and give them the technology just for fun !


So know that you see the truth, history facts, technology and much more things in SW don't have any sense but they still exist.


So my question is ......... WHY NOT BLACK SABER !?!?!?!?! :explode:





Friendly yours, Darth Ergotht


Oh, by the way, have a nice day


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Anything that need be said here has already been said by PipeSmoke. And it's been said before, but black is not possible. Not because it's not in the movies, but because black and light are nearly exact opposites. A lightsaber is called a lightsaber because it focuses the light into an intense beam of cutting energy. Light is a form of energy therefore it can be harnessed. Shadow is not energy. Therefore since black light is a mythos spanning impossibility, and dark is not energy, a blade cannot be fashioned from it. A silver(fancy way of saying white) lightsaber would be possible, even cool. But I hate to burst your gothic bubbles, black is not an option when dealing with a weapon of light.

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D00d Obi lightsabers are not real, Star Wars isn't real either why does it matter if it's possible or not? I'm sure if they can heal themselfs through bacta or go into lightspeed, they could make black lightsabers. Why does it matter if I want a pink lightsaber or a black one? Does it hurt you that I have free choice or something? It's your choice that you want a green or blue saber or bunny rabbit faced one and you should not be able to tell me that I can't have a black saber just cause you don't like it. It's all about choice and free will to choose what ever color or skin that I want. As for 99% of the people using a black saber I say let them that just means i'll stand out with my purple one. And as i've said before it's all about choice, for example almost everyone I know that plays T in CS always uses the l337 guy. Does that mean just because I don't like it and I don't use it that I should tell them that they are wrong for wanting to use it? :)

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Right on Obi,


People keep asking... does other people having the choice to pick a black saber hurt me? does it effect me? well yes it does. If it were to be included in the game (thankfully I am sure it's not) or be something that i'm forced to download... or even if it's somewhat my choice, because i want to see people the way they choose to be seen, out of respect for them... and I end up having to see black sabers. It ruins the experience somewhat, because it's no longer star wars. It's lame wars.


Of course there are measures I could take to avoid seeing it if it bothers me, and maybe I will... but the main point i'm trying to get across is one of disappointment in people for even wanting it in the first place.

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oh so now if you use black you're a "goth" ? Lol.. nothing could be further from the truth.


The color black has been in use by mankind since the beginning, and in fact it is found in nature and predates the human race, it's not something that was invented in the 1980's by angst-ridden teenagers and underground rock fans. The wearing of black carries with it a variety of meanings, in different cultures, and contexts. Again, what is wrong with somebody picking something they like and/or think looks cool? This isn't a fashion show, it's a game... why bother having skins at all if everybody has to look the same?


Look around you, the color is everywhere, just like red, white, and a thousand other colors. And did you even read those links I posted? You don't know how lightsabers work, so stop pretending. The sites I posted propose numerous theories on how a saber *might work* using real scientific principles. Obviously it's fiction, and obviously the canon sources are silent on how they "really" work, so it's all just speculation. I don't care if you did read in the Star Wars encyclopedia that the crystal focuses a light beam or whatever you read. The point is.. the official sources are contradictory, so which explanation is correct? None, because none of them are canon, and canon overrides all non-canon in Star Wars. And as I said before.. it doesn't matter, because this is the EU we're dealing with, not the Star Wars films. SW games are all official, but non-canon by definition. Read those links, I think you'll find them quite interesting.


Pipes.. your argument still makes no sense.. you want everyone to fit a certain mold..


There ya go tomcat.


I think everyone who craves a black saber should just use a red.


So now you'll have everyone using a red saber!


So either instead of having everyone using black, which you consider a "wannabe badass" color, they'll use red, a wannabe badass color... or they'll use blue, a wannabe hero/good guy color.


Face it, no matter what you pick, somebody else is going to choose the same thing someplace else, and I accept this. If everybody uses a black saber, maybe I'll use a black saber less often, but hey, I'll use what I want to use. You'd rather everyone use a certain color, so you seem to just be biased against a certain color.


And if you won't duel me on account of the color saber I use... well... hehe, I guess you're missing out! ; )


When it gets right down to it Pipe Smoke, you sound like those guys who insist that every aspect of the game be JUST LIKE THE STAR WARS MOVIES. And hey, that's perfectly fine.. but you can't force anybody to see it the same way. And if it pisses you off that others choose to use stuff you don't like (like black, like non-movie sabers/skins, whatever) well... too bad. Do you see my point?


If you think that JK2 is going to be a pure Star Wars Role playing environment, I think you're in for a rude awakening. There's going to be hundreds of people employing non-Star Wars tactics, and making/using non pure Star Wars mods. The best you can do is to play only on pure servers and arrange "honorable" games, to avoid all the impure stuff. Again, that's your choice, but I guarentee you, they'll be plenty of players that will have different ideas, so you should be prepared to accept that fact.


It ruins the experience somewhat, because it's no longer star wars. It's lame wars.


I rest my case.


As long as you equat difference of personal taste with stupidity or immaturity.. people (such as myself) will continue to point out your bias.

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Kurgan I guess I have always been just distrusting of modifications... they've never set really very well with me.


In my mind if someone is wanting to add things to the game, and can't just play it out of the box... multiplayer i mean... then that is the first step on the road to hacking :)


I prize the sanctity of the out-of-box game. Setting up my key config is all the customization I've ever been interested in.


And yes I do think there is a lot to be said for keeping a star wars game just that.


If people don't like the game as it comes, or they get tired of it... I think moving on to another game makes sense.

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That's very interesting.


Kurgan I guess I have always been just distrusting of modifications... they've never set really very well with me.


In my mind if someone is wanting to add things to the game, and can't just play it out of the box... multiplayer i mean... then that is the first step on the road to hacking


Now I think I'm beginning to see... you're opposed to modding in general.... because it leads to "hacking"?


But you must realize that by the volume of posts asking questions about editing since this site began, there is a real interest in it... and in fact, if you look at the past JK/MotS community, Q3 community, etc, that editing is a huge component of the games. In fact, it's what keeps a lot of people playing, years after they've mastered the regular levels. I love mods.. granted a lot of them are mediocre or trashy or gimmicky, but some of them are quite fun, and others are a welcome distraction to add a little variety and spice to a good game. Nobody says you have to use them... but you already know that there's going to be mod tools released for this game, and if JK/MotS was any indication, there's going to be tons of mods created and released (and consequently, used).


You'll have to be ready to avoid these mod-ladden games.... and I highly recommend using the pure server (be glad you have this option!) option to avoid being offended. ; )


Good discussion! I'm sure there are others who feel like you do... we've had numerous debates on these forums over stuff being "Starwarsy." However, I think that these purists are in the minority.. most folks are willing to suspend disbelief and stretch the conventions at least a little for the sake of variety and gameplay balance/fun. I know to purists like you fun = like the star wars movies, but there are a lot of EU fans out there, and a lot of non-fans who will get the game because it's full of action and competition. These folks are less likely to have the level of concern for canonicity in gameplay/visuals, and so will be butting heads with your ideals.


Good luck though...

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I don't want to give the wrong impression, I have liked some mods...


And while your conclusion that I want the game to be as much like the movies as possible has a lot of merit to it, and is somewhat correct... more than that it just boils down to a very specific dislike of this particular concept, of a black saber.


You're absolutely right, btw... if you have me pegged as an EU hater :)


And I know JK and such are EU, but... I think it's a whole different class of it. And each new EU item is a new opportunity to adhere more to the movies than previous ones. Not divert even further away

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Okay, glad I am finally understanding where you're coming from.


Hey, that's perfectly fine. I agree with you, I've read a lot of the EU and frankly, despite it's being official, a lot of it is dull... boring, or just plain "crap." (the scientific term)


But I think many see the EU in just the opposite manner... they see it as a chance to expand on the material presented in the flims (hence the term "EXPANDED UNIVERSE"). It doesn't replace, but it adds to the canon material. However, a lot of it is contradictory, but some people like the fact that it's not so strictly adhereing to the canon points. Also note that George Lucas is the one who decides ultimately.. and since there was that huge gap between ROTJ and the prequels, a lot of the EU contradictions can be explained in that he is just doing what he wants, and the authors didn't have prior knowledge of what he was going to do. Lucas is in some ways influenced by the EU as well (ie: coruscant and the outrider in TPM, etc) but that's his choice and more of a nod to the EU writers than anything.


Some of it is cool though, and the games especially. I guess even if the games blatantly copy stuff from the movies (like the EU are notorious for doing... how many Death Star-esque super weapons do we need? How many Emperor clones? How many minor heroes who are carbon copies of Han/Luke/Leia/Lando? etc) at least in the games you get to control the action, so you can do stuff differently than the movie heroes/villians might have done and make the adventure "your own."


I was about to say you might be right at home in the Star Wars Galaxies universe.. maybe moreso than JK2, but then again, Ultima was mentioned and the way that people "ruined" it by using stuff you didn't like, so oh well.


You're bound to run into problems, even if you're in a pure server though, like if you have Luke and ObiWan in a deathmatch. Wait a minute.. they are both good guys! Why would they be trying to kill each other? Or what if you have two people playing as Darth Vader at the same time... are they clones? That kind of thing. It's just not possible to be perfectly accurate to the movies in a situation like this. A lot of players are Star Wars fans (but not necessarily purists) so there's bound to be some overlap in what people like. But then you might hate a certain character (like say an Ewok or Jar Jar) but somebody else might love them and want to use them. So it'd be tough to maintain that level of canonicity in a video game.


I liked JK/MotS for a lot of reasons. The SP story was engaging (much more so than most FPS games) and the use of sabers/force made multiplayer a lot more complex, besides giving you more creative ways to dispatch your enemies or solve puzzles in the SP campaign. I also enjoy the competition in the game, and I love sword fighting, and the games provide those in large amounts. I also like the size and scope.. the levels in the game made it feel really BIG and AWESOME, I hope that some of that atmosphere is recaptured in the sequel. I felt like there were a lot of places to go, things to do, and the environment felt truly "3 dimensional." I loved using speed/jump/seeing to go exploring and find new sniper places or vistas. I also happen to like Star Wars... and the games do an excellent job of "putting me there" but they still allow me the freedom to stretch the conventions if I want to, for the sake of fun and variety.


If you like *some* mods, I'm guessing the mods you like are the ones that are closer to "canon" Star Wars type stuff, right? Hey, I like the SW movies a lot, much moreso than the EU, but some bits of the EU I genuinely enjoy, and stuff that the fans makeup can be fun too. And seeing the occasional Godzilla skin with Disco ball saber running around in a Star Wars game is hilarious... nothing wrong with that in my book... ; )

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havent u ppl ever heard of a "black" light??


big in the 1970's makes white look like an erridescent blue/purple colour, although strctly not black, that is what the device is named, so go and look it up.


btw im only 17 i only know they exist cuz of the film "Gone In 60 Seconds" cuz they are in that


oh ya and ill be using :saberr: if black isnt available at all (note to start with it will be :saberr: cuz i know black probably wont be included as a base colour from which to choose, but there will probably be a mod for it).


and just for the record.

Yes i Listen to Korn

Yes i Like Black

Yes i am a Goth

NO im not 13 im 17

NO im not a HUGE star wars fan but its OK (i prefer star trek )

i wouldnt call my self a matrix or crow fan but they are good films

YES i like trenchcoats (black leather ones)

oh and btw im male

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Personally... lightsaber color doesn't matter.


Like the movies, I generally keep the red sabers for "sith" characters, and green or blue for the jedi characters.


Either way, I'll most likely pick a different colored saber per MP Skin.


On the Black Lightsaber topic: It look cool. I say use it, scientifically possible or not :D



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Originally posted by DaAan

btw im only 17 i only know they exist cuz of the film "Gone In 60 Seconds" cuz they are in that


[unnecessary insults deleted.]


What do blacklights have to do with black sabers anyway?

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how many Death Star-esque super weapons do we need?


lets see...


Death Star

Death Star II

Sun Crusher

World Devastators

Eye of Palpatine

Centerpoint station

the Darksaber

Dovin Basals (big ones can be used to pull large objects...as we saw in vector prime)


did I miss any?

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for your information Zek im from the United Kingdom.

cuz is shorter to type than because!


black LIGHT


people saying black LIGHT sabers are "impossible", im just pointing out theres something called a black LIGHT

hence a black sabre should be possible

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Typical human teenager, whatever.


I'm saying blacklights have nothing to do with producing light that is black, which is impossible. Nor would the technology behind blacklights have anything to do with an actual black lightsaber.

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I must say that's one reason I like the prequels and Special Editions... because in their own way they force purists (if they want to remain purists) to stretch their own understanding of canon and SW conventions a bit to encompass the new canon material.


Like for example you could have argued that force push and speed were "unstarwarsy" until TPM came out and made it a moot point. Or certain colors of lightsabers after the release of the Episode 2 trailer, etc.


When you get down to it though, probably the most ridiculously un-starwarsy thing in JK/MotS was multiplayer deathmatch.. think about it.


He does make a good point about "black lights" though, as somebody earlier tried to make the argument that "black" and "light" in "black lightsaber" was an oxymoron somehow. I guess it's sort of like "Turbo Laser" or "Super Laser" which comes up in every fan "Star Wars vs. Star Trek" debate.... names aren't always all their cracked up to be. If they called it a "phased high energy plasmoid containment loop projector" that might help a bit (or maybe not.. it does sound like Treknobabble). ; )

The part about (wrongly) assuming he was an American was a prime example of what I was talking about... don't rely on stereotypes!


PS: here's that other thread I was referring to, in which I posted a few links and pictures. No need to extend the debate over multiple threads, but some might want to read it just the same:



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Tell me this Kurgan,


Consider how all the sabers in the game have a glow that comes off the person, of the color that their blade is.


The area around them is lit up in that color.


If someone were using a "black lightsaber" what color would this glow around them be?

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I only used one mod and it was for UT (Strike-Force). It was a bit ****ty at first but it was ok. And if someone ask me if I'll use mod for JK2, I have no doubt about that. The answer is yes !


Like I said, everything is possible in SW.


See all of you in the battlefield, and I wish for you that you'll be on my side : )



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Originally posted by Pipe Smoke

Tell me this Kurgan,


Consider how all the sabers in the game have a glow that comes off the person, of the color that their blade is.


The area around them is lit up in that color.


If someone were using a "black lightsaber" what color would this glow around them be?


Bright yellow :D:rolleyes:

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