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Computer Specs ?


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Welcome to the forum, Sabu.


We had a long discussion on whether a computer will be able to run JO...check the LucasArts official system requirement...


But in the act of good will, with your computer, you should run JO at medium-to-high performance

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Well I can run Medal of Honor (Q3TA engine based game) with everything on with 1280x1024 resolution. The video card has more to do with the game than the processor does; however you could have a GF4 4600 and a PIII or AMD 500 MHz and your probably not going to be running at high detail.

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2nd Generation AMD Palomino 1600+ PR2300<-pentium rating ;)

512 DDR2100 Cas 2.5 Pre Charge ON

Geforce 2 Ti 500 64Mb DDR

NForce Board Using Twin Channel RAM System and Data Prefetch



I can run every game I own including RTCW Q3A MOHAA Ghost Recon and many more with MAXED Out GRFX and Res


If you get that new system mate I'd say you'll be able to do the same, if not try system FAQ's as these give you many hints on speeding up your system


Skywalker out... :duel:

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