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About The Fists


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personally ide rather have fists than a stun baton, granted kyle is getting a little old, but have u seen the flips he does in the trailers im pretty sure he could handle some hand to hand combat, if anything he should get a knife atleast, what jedi would go around battling a small army and use a "Stun" baton cmon when he runs out of ammo... :)

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Hey, Kyle's younger than Qui Gon, and we saw *him* dishing out fisticuffs in TPM....


Just wait until the "fists mod" comes out, then we can have our boxing matches again.


In addition to that, throwing in the ability to kick people, sounds like fun.


I can see where the stun baton might be cool in SP, like for example if your mission was to capture someone, so you had to get up close and stun them, then carry their body somewhere (a la Thief). If you recall, there was a weapon planned for JK, that didn't make it into the final build, that was called the "Tusken Prod" which may be a lot like our stun baton. Still, I'll miss being able to "put up my dukes" and sock a few hapless ughnaughts. ; )

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I still don't get why it isn't possible to use the force and fight with your hands/feet... You could use the force to put insane amounts of power behind your blows, and you'd have 4 weapons rather than one so you'd be harder to catch off guard...

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I still don't get why it isn't possible to use the force and fight with your hands/feet... You could use the force to put insane amounts of power behind your blows, and you'd have 4 weapons rather than one so you'd be harder to catch off guard...


I think this calls for a mod!

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