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Sp vs Mp...AND a COOL way to pass the time


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I find it so interesting how some people are lke" Can't wait for mp game ... as soon as i get the game, I'm gonna fire up a LAN...

Not talking trash, but I a pure single player person. The ONLY game I have ever played mp is Couterstrike, but it gets old for me.

I guess i like the story and puzzles and the slower pace of a good single player game when its done right (halflife, Jk)


Anyway, i have found some stupid little thing to pass some time (besides work and girlfriend and all that stuff) Ya'll may have heard of this, but its sodaplay.com I'm not advertising for them or anything, but it's really cool. Give it a shot. Once you learn how to actually do t effectivly, it is very interesting.


Oh, and i find it better to say a week from friday or 11 days instead of two weeks or the WORST OF ALL: staring at a calender. Do not do that folks, it will kill you.


Besides that, spring is almost here....Go toss a football with a friend. Later.

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I love single player and multiplayer, single player is good for awhile... but it can only offer so much. I like multiplayer because you can engage people and, well you can socialize a bit in the process. Sometimes you can learn some fun and interesting tactics... I've been playing JK1 multiplayer forever now, and will probably do the same for JKO.

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