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the jkii.net zombie party thread.


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hiya, welcome! rules are simple

1: any the you want to talk about is fine.

2: this thread is for the night owls on this fourm, so unless that little clock at the bottom of the page says lets say 1.00:am or later(0100 24:h)pls note it with the tags [non-zombie]hi day peeps[/non-zombie] ok?:D


ok go nuts!:)

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0100 to when?


And while it is not really night time anymore, I did just get off of work and just saw this thread, so please bear with my late posting.


Do the rest of you night owls have to stay awake at these times? or is it natural for you?



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i guess i need to be more clear: i ment from 1 am LOCAL time to whenever its light, say. (dont know what this does to the aussies, wanna clue me in?) and for the night shift guys: dosent matter that thats when you are up, still night right?


edit: i reread the night-shifter's post, and realsed that he is not back from work till light. thats still fine, i mean its suposted to be fun right?:D no point in jumping up and down over rules now is there?;)

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