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Lando Comfirmed!


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I am actually happy that Mark Hammil isn't doing Luke, I really didn't like him and he was my least favourit part of the old SW movies because of his annoying, whiney acting "But I was going down to (somethingerother) station to pick up some power converters!!!" That was the worst acted line I have ever heard an actor do. BTW that was on A New Hope at the beginning when his uncle was getting some droids for those who didn't know.

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Originally posted by Endo'Cun

Yup Lando's in Jedi Outcast!, yay!.


That's weird. How is it that you're sending us a message from months ago when this was actually confirmed?

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I am actually happy that Mark Hammil isn't doing Luke, I really didn't like him and he was my least favourit part of the old SW movies because of his annoying, whiney acting "But I was going down to (somethingerother) station to pick up some power converters!!!" That was the worst acted line I have ever heard an actor do.

Come on, pal! Luke was supposed to be a little bit childish and whining brat at the beginning, just like most of teenagers in our society, so Mark did his role just right. It's only after ANH when he starts to grow out of those bad habbits that so many "fans" have griped about ever since movie came out and in ESB he's more matured, even though still impatient and when we finally get to RotJ, he has fully taken the role of Jedi Knight, so no more Toschi Stations anymore. :rolleyes:

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