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Damage from falling...


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I was wondering, how much damage long falls would cause. I hated it in the first JK that when you force jumped as high as you could and came right back down, you hurt yourself. I was wondering if when you landed from a force jump you took no damage or if you take less from falls as you grow in experience. In Ep 1 towards the beggining qui-gonn and obi-wan both jump down from a very high duct and are not hurt at all.

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PC Gamer UK trailer shows Kyle performing extremely high Force jump, but somehow he slows down falling(just like Vader did during duel againts Luke in Carbon chamber) and doesn't hurt himself. Then again later, when he jumps down from the wall and starts shooting at Dark Jedi with a bowcaster, we can hear him crying out of pain momentarily.

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I kind of noticed this too, you would think that if a jedi can slow himself down after a force jump that he could do it when falling also.


I just think that it would be cool in MP games to be able to jump down at someone really far below you and not get hurt.

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In MotS, Kyle jumps down a huge pit(I think at the end of level 2, as Mara did before the last level) and somehow starts the next level with a full supply of health. Why they can't do that normally is beyond me. Hopefully JK2 fixes the force jump damage issue.

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