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who thinks this game is gonna suck?


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We are all going on what we see for screenshots and trailers. Based upon what I've seen, there are some graphical problems with the game (clipping and blaster shot problems). You can see the blaster problems in a few of the screenshots on lucas art's site. I also noticed a picture where an alien is holding a weapon and the end of the weapon is clipping through it's arm. As for the clipping of the stormtrooper stuck in a wall, it's not on the lucas art site but it was on a site that was mentiond on this website (in refernece to an article with screenshots).


And it also looks like there will not be much interactivity with the environment, based on what Lucasarts has released to the public. I didn't see any exploding computer consoles, holes in doors, any kind of breakable objects. Just elevators and switches (as is typical with the quake engine). Only time will tell if my suspicions are correct about the game a bit buggy and non-interactive.


For those of you who don't like me because I don't agree with you, get used to it. You will find many people who will agree and disagree with you, even on this fan site. And if you can't deal with it, then I will have to feed you to these little guys







Have a nice day!

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I think chances are good that this will be (at worst) an average game, that you can pick up and play, have fun with, then put on the shelf (which was.. no offense, what I thought of Elite Force).


This is not a bad thing, no not at all. A game like that is a success. It's a game I'd buy, play, and enjoy.


But what I'm wondering is if this will be the type of game, the type of rare game that only comes around every so often, the kind that a person plays for years and years.. a Half Life or a Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II.


If that is such a game.. then it will be a very good game indeed, a candidate for GOTY for certain. But it doesn't have to be GOTY material to be GOOD.


I have no illusions that this game may not live up to my super high expectations of a JK sequel. Already I know of a few changes that I'm not so happy about, but it remains to be seen if the strengths of this game will outweigh those disapointments.


So I can't say if it will suck or not, but I think for now, it looks like it will at least be a good game, but a great one? Only time will tell....

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GRRRRRRRRRRR. One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! One week! One week! One week One week! *men in white coats arrive* Nonononon I need JKII Noooooo Arrrrrrhhggggggg!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Angrysquirrel

Can you break glass in this thing?




It seems that you can:




If my eyes arent deceiving me (and they can, remember that), a stormie is being force pushed through glass here



(note that this is a very VERY old screen, before you begin to bash it :p )

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Well of course it looks like Quake. JO is based off of the Quake III engine ;) You said that the laser shots didn't come out of the weapons and they seemed a bit off. My probelm with this statement is that your basing it off of a few screenshots and a small trailer. Which definitely doesn't do this game justice, nor does it really ever do anything justice. The part about a dead storm trooper being halfway through a wall is really a moot point. This is a common widespread problem in most if not all first person shooters, and if my memory serves me correct Deus Ex had the same problem. The part about it not being interactive enough, same thing your basing it on a few screenshots and a few trailers. Those are usually of when there is action on screen, not when your talking to some one, showing it in a trailer could possibly give some of the story away prematurely. I just think that your asking for way too much and then basing the short comings off of a very select few peices of the whole. It's basically like a peice of superficial circumstancial evidence, it has no REAL bearing. This isn't a flame or anything like that, but I'm just trying to show you that your jumping to conclusions here :)

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I've read studied this post for a while so that now I have a couple of points down. I tried making it as short as I can.


First of all, people can put whatever opinion they want on this site as long as it is in the limits (I've learned my lesson)


Second, I'm sure everybody realizes that this site is all about the game so it wouldn't be unusual to get "really hyped" after visiting this forums. But....then again, experienced gamers know about hype and well.....don't get dissapointed if the game doens't include minor things that the hype created.


Third, it would logically not be appropriate to rate a game without first haivng played and FULLY experienced the game itself. There are dozens of games that come to memory when thinking about this game. One example is the Superman game for N64. All that hype....and it was one of the worst games ever but only AFTER the game was played and found disgusting by gamers.


Fourth, factual evidence and the experience of the developers hints at the game being good. Honestly, how many bad games have Raven and Lucasarts made? Based on THIS we can expect a good game but again, we can't officially rate it until the game is played (it's the same w/ anything else).


Fifth, this is a fan site....what fan would put a negative post down? That itself is illogical hence, that person would not be a fan. This site is all about celebrating JKII. People who want/like/care about JKII visit this site. Vice-versa people who don't like this game or whatever, can just visit or create a site against it.


And finally last, can't we all get along? :rolleyes::cool:

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Just a note, JEDI OUTCAST... as the tired old saying goes.. COULD YOU TURN DOWN THE VOLUME ON THAT POST? In most corners of the internet, if you post in all CAPS its to show that you are "shouting" and usually angry.


So if that was not your intention, please edit your post and in the future post as you would if you were writing a paper for school or something you'd write down in normal correspondance. Just a point of courtesy..



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