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Countdown to JK2: Jedi Outcast!


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I wish I only heard about this game a week ago. Would've definitely saved me a lot of frustrating days of waiting. ;)


But maybe it'll make the 29th even sweeter this way. :p


... even though the 29th is a very inopportune time, personally. Bah.


Just wondering... will the stores have the game out on shelves/ready to sell when its opening time? Or do they put out the shipment in the middle of the day?

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I asked in EB, on Oxford Street, and they said conclusively that it was the 28th. As did HMV (for those peeps also in England).


Like the Aussies, they're starting to put up pre-game-in-shop stuff, i.e so far, just posters in windows, but not much else. By mid next week it'll be the empty boxes with the little "reserve your copy now!" sticker. ;)


7 and a half days is too long.


I'll just settle in a corner whilst you guys party. Oh and no alcohol for me. Just tea. :D


Someone put on the soundtrack from ESB??! ;)

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Originally posted by Harbinger

I wish I only heard about this game a week ago. Would've definitely saved me a lot of frustrating days of waiting. ;)


But maybe it'll make the 29th even sweeter this way. :p


... even though the 29th is a very inopportune time, personally. Bah.


Just wondering... will the stores have the game out on shelves/ready to sell when its opening time? Or do they put out the shipment in the middle of the day?


You better get their right when they put them out on the shelves because if you don't you probably won't be able to get a copy. This game is going to fly off the shelves.

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Originally posted by Jedimaster74


You better get their right when they put them out on the shelves because if you don't you probably won't be able to get a copy. This game is going to fly off the shelves.


I'ld camp outside the store or mall the night before. You might want to bring a cattle prod, you never know when it will come in handy. Maybe a long armed reaching thingy. You might also want a .........



Just remember.....



DON'T FORGET YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

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Originally posted by Lnt. Kechtt


I'ld camp outside the store or mall the night before. You might want to bring a cattle prod, you never know when it will come in handy. Maybe a long armed reaching thingy. You might also want a .........



Just remember.....



DON'T FORGET YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D



You Might also want to Bring Your Trusty LightSaber if you Have one :D

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<almost trips over a pink elephant carcass making his way towards the bar podium>




So Australia is getting the game on the 25th and the UK is getting the game on th 28th, while the US gets it on the 29th? Have I got this all down or am I just screwing all the dates up? Please help. :p


Anyways, I'll get my copy before 11. There's a new Best Buy that opened up in my town and I just don't have the feeling that JK2 will sell HUGE in my town... even though Tracy, California is located smack dab in the middle of Star Wars country.


I heard Mark Hamil used to spend every summer with his grandparents here in Tracy. Modesto is just neighboring us.


Funny thing... I was driving to college the other day when I spotted a white Civic in front of me. It had a fat Stormtrooper helmet sticker on the back windshield with Imperial insignias on the back-side windows... the license plate even said STRM TPR.


LOL... now I'd love to have a black Lexus SC-400 Vader Mobile. muaha. :D

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Originally posted by SaberPro


Anyone know how to put this thread (The counter) as a sticky note...?


Randomly spam this thread, but intersperse it with each others replies so as not to incur the wrath of StormHammer, thereby bumping it up to top. ;)

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Poor animals, they dont even know that they are going to die... :lol::rofl::lol:


But for a good cause. They are being sacrificed to prove our loyaltly to Jedi Knight II, the Raven devs, and this fine-fine forum's fine-fine moderaters.:D


Just under 8 hours till I pop the next pinky!

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Ladies and Gentlemen...


The clock has passed the 12th hour and it is now early FRIDAY morning. We shall now commence with our daily ritual sacrifice.


<chugs the shotgun>


To the devs, to LucasArts, and to the mods!


:violin: Goodbye, friend!


:elephant::monkey4::elephant::monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4::elephant:


Two down and only SEVEN more days and nights to endure!

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Remember, next week this time, is a big day... :)


*imitates Harbiger*


<takes out a double Uzi>

"Alrite who's first? you're it :D"


*Blam Blam Blam Blam Blam Dadadadadadadadada click[empty]click [empty]*


"Ok seven animals left to pop :)"


*puts in new rounds for tomorrow :)*

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USA gets it on the 27th by the way.... Check any site that sells the game.... Every single one says it ships on the 27th. So if u order it online u will get the game on the 27th and maybe the 28th if there slow. I dont care what day the stores get them in cause i dont wanna worry about it... Im gonna order mine online tomarow morning so i dont have to worry about it.



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Hey guys! My roommates called me obsessed yesterday because I had the timer up on the screen. Do you see this as obsessed? I don't understand what their problem is. What really scares me is that they've seen the trailer and are often in the room when I'm on the fourm and they have NO excitement for the game. I think I'm living with a couple of brain dead yahoos who don't know when they see one. Any ideas to explain this or to convert them to this wounder beacon of hope?

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