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Countdown to JK2: Jedi Outcast!


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Originally posted by TUS_Tomcat

ONE DAY!!!!!!


OMFG in less than 24 hours i should be (prays for no delivery problems on THE day) playing this honey!




I have AOTC soundtrack to tide me over though :D

I've got two things to say to you.

"Darn the time zones for making me wait!"


"Oh wait, I'll probably get mine in 6 hours because I preordered!"


NAAANAAA!:D :lips:

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Only one mofo of a monkey left.




Imagine... we started with NINE dancing animals.


<glances around at the eight animal carcasses lying around the bar>


Eesh. Screw the shotgun... I'm going all out with a FN M249 Para tonite.


It's been fun people but looks like this party is gunna come to an end. Maybe one day there'll be a Dead Furry Carcass Clan, or Dancing Animal Party clan.




One things for sure tho... there'll be no more monkeys jumpin' around after 12:01 AM, PT, tonite!

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*Pulls out shotgun, looks at it and throws it away. Pulls out TNT, looks at it and throws it away. Pulls out lightsabre, calmly switchs it one and looks a line of stuffed pinkies. With a back flip procceds to slice everyone of them in a such small pieces that there isn't even any fluff to fall. When finished calmly switchs off the sabre and returns it to pack. The entire display was carried out in complete silence.*


Thanks guys. I feel a little better. Not today, sorry bout my last post TUS_Tomcat. I'm just in a funk. Thanks again. I NEED THIS GAME TO BE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:explode:

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Woohoo, no more animals!

7 hours and 40 minutes. I'll be getting off of work at 0600, store opens at 0930. Should I sleep for a couple of hours? I don't know... I'm off Friday-Sunday nights, but tomorrow is going to HURT.




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*realizes he'll be dead tired anyways*


ah, what the hell, i'll catch a few winks :dozey:


whoopie! only a little while left kiddies!!! :max:

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Ladies and Gentlemen...


It has passed 12 p.m. here on the Pacific Coast (and now is Thursday) so say farewell to our last beloved friend.


<loads the FN M249 Para>



:violin: Goodbye, friend!




Folks, there are no more dancing animals! Toss yer ale and fill yer jugs with monkey blood! Hurl the pinkies upon the BBQ!


Let us rejoice tonite!

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Originally posted by Harbinger

My advice: SLEEP! Can you imagine the stress/frustration you'd go through those 2 hours? Go to sleep and when you wake up... BANG. JO -- Ready For You!


I should sleep, being that I'll be up all day then have to work at night. 2 hours is better than none. Besides you're right, I'll have a heck of a time just sitting at home waiting. MUST-NOT-FORGET-TO-SET-ALARM. How suck-E would that be? Not set the alarm and sleep until 5:00, when I get ready for work. Waste of a whole day of JKO.




5 hours and 45 minutes...

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I went and picked up my Pre-ordered copy at lunchtime from Game! :)

I didn't have long in my lunch break but I installed it anyway...tried my best to ignore and skip the intro sequences (I'll pay proper attention later when I play the game *g*) and get into the game..well I killed my first stormtroopers!!! ! the game seems to run smooth on my PIII500mhz, 320mb of Ram machine with a Nvidia TNT 2 64mb card. I haven't changed any of the setups yet....I just wanted to make sure that it ran..and it appears to just fine!! Im well STOKED!!! ..


I better quit rambling! .. :)


*watching clock till hometime!!!*


The evil emperor Porl-Patine"

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