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*RUMOR* Indeed its true, Australias getting it first. *RUMOR*


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got this email from gamesmarket.com.au :


Dear Vash,


We called up Roadshow regarding the release date, and according to them at the moment the release date for Australia is on 25th March 2002, it is because they got a master copy of the game and it can be duplicated locally in Australia hence the earlier release date.







25th, but still before the yanks, wohoo


already a thread on this i know, oh well :p

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god ****** damn it im camping next week starting ***** monday excuse me for a moment *walks outside and you can hear a big swear word with birds and animals alike running away* ahhhhhhhhhh that feels better ohwell atleast we get it b4 the yanks (no offence)


[Edit - Stormy - swearing :tsk: ]

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I also find it a very rude how everyone always puts us citizens in the United States down. I mean, we never (in my experience on fourms) make fun of other countrys because we get things first and stuff. Yet when another country gets something first they badger us and humiliate us becuase they're getting it first. I really don't appreiciate being called a Yank either.

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Originally posted by Locke101

I also find it a very rude how everyone always puts us citizens in the United States down. I mean, we never (in my experience on fourms) make fun of other countrys because we get things first and stuff. Yet when another country gets something first they badger us and humiliate us becuase they're getting it first. I really don't appreiciate being called a Yank either.



I say we go over there and lay the Smack Down on Them :p

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Originally posted by Locke101

I also find it a very rude how everyone always puts us citizens in the United States down. I mean, we never (in my experience on fourms) make fun of other countrys because we get things first and stuff. Yet when another country gets something first they badger us and humiliate us becuase they're getting it first. I really don't appreiciate being called a Yank either.


I don't think it is their intention to humiliate or hurt the U.S.A. and it's citizens. At least not in any threads I've seen. If they do go to far, I'm sure we can count on our Admin and moderators to set them straight. They are just having a little fun. I mean c'mon, they're Aussies, they finally have something to shout about. And when it is released here, they'll have to shut their big pie holes again and go back to being the Aussies that have nothing else going for them.


But if they go to far....:swear:;):D


Back to the release, we WILL need to see scanned material. I think it would be cool if you guys got it so we finally have something else to talk about AND put an end to speculation about other issues (beaten to DEATH) discussed in the other threads.


Peace, going to change my oil.


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Guys! I know we're all incredibly anxious, but take it easy! :) It doesn't matter who's where, who's who, or what's what.. ;), be happy that the Aussies get it first, I'm sure they'll post up pics or whatever.


We're all getting it eventually. :)


.. just go have a drink in the Countdown thread. ;)

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we'd better order it from austrilia :) we could get it faster huhuh


and for the guy who thinks that everyone is blaming the americans... just admit that in your country, u make lots of weird things :) ... you eat things that make u big...biiig. you wanna be the best in evreything you wanna be shown... that's why u see these reactions. That doesn't mean u don't make cool things... lots of kewl things we all have come from you (keep cool :) )


But after all it's a generalisation... i don't like that. So please dont take everything as it comes to you. On the intenret the right thing to do is takin' all words with a funny mind (don't know how to say it clearly in english).


Respect ;


Chato dur

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HBK - ''the Aussies that have nothing else going for them''?


Tsk, tsk. Joke or no joke, that's a tad harsh. After all, we do have:


* the most beautiful beaches in the world,


* a stupendously high concentration of beautiful girls,


* a Prime Minister who has the brainpower of a dead rat,


* a rollicking nightlife,


* one of the most beautiful harbours in the world (Sydney anyway),


* thinly veiled racist immigration policies,


* highly marketable intellectual resources


* gorgeous girls,


* a blend of races - leading to:


* more gorgeous girls and great cuisine,


* a fun (sometimes obsessive but never fanatical) sports culture,


and finally,


* a dazzling and vast array of stunning beaches and...if I haven't mentioned it yet...heaps and heaps of incredibly attractive girls.


Relax guys and dolls, the loving hum of the lightsaber will be yours to cherish within a WEEK...


Now let's all join hands and sing a lil ol' country tune. :angel:


*Cue Imperial March* :vader:
















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