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*RUMOR* Indeed its true, Australias getting it first. *RUMOR*


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Ok the Australians might MIGHT be getting it early, but I really doubt it, those online stores some of them have Half-Life 2 for sale, LOL its not even announced yet, it may never be for years but apparently its comming out in fall, I forgot what site but what I'm saying is online stores they dont know what they are talking about, the stores might try but Activision might know that they will have millions of pissed off Americans so they might say no you cant sell it untill the 29th. And it is only a few days difference, but I still dont belive them, rumors are easy to make, but hard to confirm. Show me proof. If so Im not mad, I have Australian cousins, i love the way you talk)

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It is only 3 days difference if so, gamestop is sending all their copies on the 27th and I ordered over night so I will get it the 28th it's not that bad. But Like I said before Activision has the final word all this crap... they could just say nope, wait untill everyone else gets it.

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nK_Archangel, of course it was in jest. I have 0 problems with the Land Down Under. In fact, I'm jealous of your "thinly veiled racist immigration policies". :D LOL


I can see how this is all going to work out. There's only 1 way to solve all of this. It's going to be a JKII.NET Aussie Posse vs the JKII.NET U.S. Best. And WE WILL prove, once and for all, baseball IS a real sport, and its great!



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Nice one.


And we'll prove that cricket IS a real sport and just as fun to us Aussies as baseball is to you Americans. :D


Might be hard, but hey, JO is going to be all about bringing people together, slicing them up, then having a cold and oh so refreshing beer with them afterwards.


Now there's a nice Aussie tradition. Be ready to kill someone for the team on the field, then buy 'em a round at the pub after the game. :)

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Now now girls....settle down, we all know baseball and cricket is nothing compared to football (not the kind where you use your hands.....and YES it's name is football, not soccer)


Anyways, back on subject...the game is apparantly scheduled to be out 28. March in Norway, or atleast for those who preorder the game, like me :D

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Now now girls....settle down, we all know baseball and cricket is nothing compared to football (not the kind where you use your hands.....and YES it's name is football, not soccer)

Yes, football owns the sticks and and girlies in little white suits, who you can;t tell who's who cos thy're all wearing white. and football ownz baseball too, because why oh why do americans turn a little game everyone used to play in the playground called rounders into a big sport with people with hats?


Back to topic.... getting annoying being ignored in the war between the aussies and the yanks (jsut to rub it into both :p )

Also if they get it first.... big wow.... they'll beb etter than us at jk2 for a few days until everyone else learns the tricks and starts shwoing them who's boss :D

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