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Questions on gameplay


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I guess I can wait a week, maybe less to find out, but some interesting questions have popped into my head as to the gameplay and force powers. Please respond if you have any ideas or opinions. Of course ChangKhan, you are most welcome to post ;)


1) Friendly fire? Can you accidentally force push a buddy along with a squad of troopers right off a cliff? What about accidentally hacking a friendly with your saber if you guys are too close?


2) Can you push someone into someone else and knock them down?


3) What happens if two people are pushing on the same thing from opposite directions? Pulling?


4) When you die, can you return as a spectator who runs around as a ghost image with the ability to talk to the room? (Run, Luke, Run!)


5) In multiplayer can you mix Light and Dark Side powers? Have a guy with Lightning AND Heal?


6) How exactly will the Force Absorb power work? Is it passive or active? Does it automatically negate any damage that would be done, or do force attacks still do damage while at the same time replenishing your force level.


I see Force Absorb having the potential to throw things out of whack, but I guess it is a good complement to Rage if it is that powerful.


And if the aussies and kiwi's really do get the game before the rest of us, I'm taking up a collection for the "Send a Yank to Oz for a Day Fund". Please post with your CC info if you'd like to donate. ;)






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im gonna go out of order...heh..



It is active...the more skill levels higher you are, the more % you absorb..



i dont know, but i doubt that if they did have it it would be very extensive (ie in jk1)...i dont think that you will be able to mix sides with this game, but i could very easily be wrong...



dunno..heh....sorry you might ask someone who knows what they're talking about on that one



uhh...the chances of 2 people targeting the same thing and releasing at the exact same time are very very small...but if the person is in the process of being pushed (ie already moving), i think that the second push will simply work like a vector in that it will alter the direction in which the person moves...i dont know though..



i dont know but i would doubt it...



im pretty sure that you can shoot and slice friendlies, but as for pushing them with push...i doubt that it would let you target them..


remember, i dont know for sure on some of these, so i might be wrong...

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I was thinking about this about an hour ago...

I was wondering if when u force choke somebody and lift them off there feet like in the trailor if u could swing him into a wall or bash him up onto the cieling.... Wouldnt it rock to grab a guy and slam him back and forth between 2 walls? Rofl

Then i started thinking about slaming him into other people like u said above and i hope u can.... The more stuff we can do with the force powers the more fun the game will be.



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#1 would mean adding some AI subroutines. For example, if you fire on Luke, does he shoot back, block the shot or just pull your weapon away? Do you duel with Luke if you hit him with your saber?


Personally, I would hope that this will be in JK3 -- I have decided its not going to be in JK2.

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Originally posted by Jedimaster74

Yeah I think A co-op feature would be nice, but I think someone will make a Mod for this someday since it won't come standard out of the box.:yoda:


Wired Lamp studios are making a co-op mod for JO. :)

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Press Release for the Coop Jedi Knight II Mod, From Wired Lamp Studios


Wired Lamp Studios announced today that they are currently working on a modification for the Raven Software game, Jedi Knight II. The mod, which is titled "Coop for Jedi Knight II" will allow players to play the single player aspect of Jedi Knight II with their friends over the internet or a lan. As usual the developer has decided to leave out Coop in their game because of the time it takes to incorporate this mode. We at Wired Lamp Studios have taken it upon ourself to develop this mode of multi-player for all of the Jedi Knight II players out there.


"Coop for Jedi Knight II" will be the second project for Wired Lamp Studios to undertake.


Currently Wired Lamp Studios is working on their first title "Dark Horizons : The Griffon Project". Dark Horizons takes place in the year 3075 and stars our heroine Codi. Dark Horizons will feature a complex storyline that will be further enhanced by in-engine cut scenes and scripted events.

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Originally posted by Hoowl



Press Release for the Coop Jedi Knight II Mod, From Wired Lamp Studios


Wired Lamp Studios announced today that they are currently working on a modification for the Raven Software game, Jedi Knight II. The mod, which is titled "Coop for Jedi Knight II" will allow players to play the single player aspect of Jedi Knight II with their friends over the internet or a lan. As usual the developer has decided to leave out Coop in their game because of the time it takes to incorporate this mode. We at Wired Lamp Studios have taken it upon ourself to develop this mode of multi-player for all of the Jedi Knight II players out there.


"Coop for Jedi Knight II" will be the second project for Wired Lamp Studios to undertake.


Currently Wired Lamp Studios is working on their first title "Dark Horizons : The Griffon Project". Dark Horizons takes place in the year 3075 and stars our heroine Codi. Dark Horizons will feature a complex storyline that will be further enhanced by in-engine cut scenes and scripted events.


Thanks for the Info Hoowl.. Their First Project Dark Horizons sounds really Awesome. I think if we keep having people developing MODS like this for this game and this is just the begining than this game is going to go a long ways.

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