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Will JK2 include 2 CD-Roms?


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I remember in the original JK, there were two discs. The first one was required for single player and installation, but only the 2nd disc was required for multiplayer...so you could led your friend borrow disc 2 and you could play each other without him having to buy the game. Will Jedi Outcast have that ability?

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

Bummer. I looked for an old thread to answer my question but couldn't find one.


I guess it was some time ago. The reason of 1 CD only was because the cutscenes in JKII were compressed and built-in unlike JKI's movie quality cutscene.

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Originally posted by buzzfunk666

It was confirmed a while back that JK2 is 1 cd.


Does this mean the game wont be long and nice? Nope.


All cut-scenes are done with ingame via q3 engine.


I like in game cut scenes, especially with the improvement of graphics nowadays. I remember the in game cut scenes of MotS, the graphics wern't really up to it and i much prefered the fmv of JK.

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