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Build your own MP-Jedi

Wraith Nine

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Well i just found out that in Sp the light/dark side is pre determined so u cant pick and roleplay what side your on. that kinda bummed me out. not just decisions but character development behind a good story always gets me in the Rp mood. A good story and character options/development is how are some basic things that make up a RPG. lets just drop this already rofl i was just stating my opinion and from now on i think i just wont =P



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NP, but usually people will easily accept your opinion... honest, here we won't flame (xept 3page and MJ) but either way it still is an action mainly because in mp you jsut kill peope but i think we can all agree on this.......... it's a fps/action with rpg elements.. fine :)

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I'm the countering type that doesn't like having alot of force powers so i would do the following most of the time:


Push: 2

Pull: 2

Sight: 1

Absorb: 2


That would handle all my countering needs unless i'm playing dark side, i would then just for fun asuming i light place these powers to my list:


Mind Trick: 3

Saber Throw: 2


If dark side i would place the following:


Saber Throw: 2

Lightning: 2

Grip: 3


Yes, level 3 grip, nothing less.


I hope they keep the highest amount around 12 cuz any higher would lose diversity between players.



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What ever the force powers are I'm planning to defend myself with most of them



Jump 1 ( a jump even though rocket jumping will be in there too)


Push 3 (pushing away saberists and rockets)


Pull 2 (Pulling weapons away from players if level 3 pulls the entine player{might be aimed no clue yet} if level 3 pulls the enemy then I don't want to get them close to me)


Sight 3 (note can dodge sniper rifle shots at level 3 and can see players auras through walls--- great defense against players that like 3rd person camping around corners)


Speed 3 ( making it more difficult for saberists to get close or gunners to hit me their weapons )


saber throw 0 ( none if possible, don't plan on using the saber much if playing as a gunner... if playing a saber I'll probally go dark side and go with level 2---don't like homming ability)


mindtrick 0 ( No point Im gonna have seeing on all the time )


Light side powers


Absorb 3 ( I'm homing level 3 will render force pull users of level 3 not to be able to pull me or my weapons. Also against force Grip)


Heal X (depending on whether its an instant heal like picking up a health pack or a gradual heal like in diablo2 where it slowly increased health) If instant then 3 if not then who knows


if chosing the Darkside path


Grip 3 ( grip and dropping people into voids seems fun )


Rage 3 ( hack and slash fun )


Lightning 2 ( sustained lightning attack to 1 target, better use of my force pool in my opinion then to have level 3 and to be attacking many targets )




Im suring Im missing some and might have added force absorb.. who knows but I'll be playing a well defended gunner type Jedi to take the game seriously.. and probally a Dark Saberist just for messing around and as a side thing

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