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I would say very useful, I have to start using them though. last night I played online, and after about 30 minutes the guy I played against sent in a few mounted troopers and 5 trooper recruits, I immediately thought he was trying to lure me into creating ground defence, and I anticipated an air attack, and built for it, leaving me open on the ground :( in he came, jedi, pummels, troops etc :( should have built some walls to keep him out a little longer.

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Guest BlackMantis

My experience with walls:


I think they are useful, to a degree. (no kidding Mantis, what a profound answer!)


Anyway, understand that walls function kind of differently in that many units can shoot over them. Light walls are just that... light! They use carbon to build, and therefore are extremely affordable and useful very early in the game. Late game... might as well not even have them though.


Medium walls and above: Useful for later game to an extent, but not nearly as effective defensively as in AoK. They use Ore to build, which is a bit more precious in the late game. Slowing down troops is an obvious use, and once fully upgraded, they can take some serious damage. I think you will see them being used more for protecting certain buildings from pummel attacks in this game. I personally like using walls, cause I like long, drawn out games... but the experts may disagree with their overall effectiveness.




~ Mantis

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Guest darkmaster
Originally posted by krkode

i feel jedi take too long to create.

does building a powercore near a jedi temple increase the creation speed


without power cores, the buildings work at 25% of their capacity!

that includes researchs and units..

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And don't forget to build a power core next to your shipyard. Watched my brother play yesterday and he kept wondering why his fleet was building so slowly. And of course the answer was he didn't think to build a power core way out there.


Remember power cores are you friends! Build them everywhere you buil or research ANYTHING.

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