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you will use cheats in JK2?


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I always like mucking around with cheats after I've finished the game, adds replayability to typically limited games. It's fun doing stuff that you're not meant to do, until it gets to the point where it crashes the game.


What I don't like is this arrogant attitude towards those who use them in SP. I've seen that elitist attitude so many times when some says "I'll use cheats if I get stuck" then someone else will almost always lash out with "Why waste $45 if you're gonna cheat?" attitude. Some people may just not be as good at games as you are, and lack the attention span to repeat the same section of a game 20 times over. They'd arguably get more of their money rather than getting stuck at one point and giving up.

Anyone who uses cheats in MP should just die.

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I dont try to Lash out but i dont see the purpose of cheats.


Next time you get stuck on a boss why not just look up hint/walkthrough website and find a way to beat him without making the battle completly pointless. Looking at walkthroughs are also cheating IMHO but i do it on ocasion if ive ben stuck so long that i start to not want to play the game. And once u beat it fair and square it makes u so excited to see the next lvl that u have worked so hard for.


Do whatever will make the game fun for you..

Just keep in mind that what u do may make the game fun but for how long?



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Given the fact that cheating to get past a level is nowhere near as rewarding as doing it yourself, perhaps my reaction was a bit harsh. I've just read it so many times to the point it's very annoying, when someone admits to cheating to get past a point, he gets flamed and belittled by some "leet" gamer.


I saw it so often on the OpFlash forums when someone asked if there was a godmode available, without even mentioning he was stuck. Perhaps he wanted to use it after he finished it to have a little rambo fun? Yet someone would always flame him for just asking.


It's the Quake 3 engine, so no doubt there's still a fly mode still in there, unless for some queer reason they remove it; unlikely though. All Quake 3 (or any Quake for that matter) engine game out has the typical God Mode, All weapons, No Clip and No Target mode from what I've seen.

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But thats cause your an impatient person..... how can you play and have fun on a game that requires you to stop, think and problem solve when u cant wait a few days till the official release? Im not surprized that it frusterated you and many other Warez peeps.




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jk2 gives you NO direction at all in the game. NONE WHATSOEVER. Now bare in mind this is a video game and searching for the right switch to hit for an hour is not what i consider fun or puzzle solving. I'm sorry that you feel that you (and nobody else on this forum feels this way either) will never get stuck or frusturated in this game, because you all think it is a godsend, a religion of some type.


Every time i say something bad about this game on these forums i get flamed by people who havent even played the game yet.

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I know ill get stuck, i hope i get stuck, i plan to get stuck and im READY to get stuck. I dont want a carebear game that u float through thrashing everything in your path. I want it to last weather im stuck or not. Theres alot of games that dont give you any direction, you just have to be prepared to stop and evaluate every room. It should be a PAIN in the Ass the 1st time you go through it and it was getting annoying having all the Warez ******* come crying about how hard it was when they have only been playing it for a matter of hours. It was pathetic and annoying to say the least. Im totally prepared for a challenging game and you should have ben also.





[Edit - Stormy - your friendly neighbourhood censor-bot ;) ]

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